Initiative Meeting This Sunday 2/18 @ 6 PM

Feb 18, 2024 1:40 am

Greetings ,

Just a quick email to remind you of a very important meeting this Sunday at 6 PM at the Aero Club Banquet Room. I know we are busy, but we only have until May 25th to gather enough signatures to bring about real reforms that will make a big difference in Clark County and that will reverberate throughout the state of Washington.

Because of many of your efforts, we have over 30 locations now where people can sign the Restore Election Confidence. These are places that we can drive people to but also places that will encourage customers and churchgoers to sign.

But, without volunteers, we won't succeed so please plan to attend Sunday at 6 pm where we plan to:

  • Prayer time
  • General update of efforts
  • Volunteer coordinating of pop-up locations
  • Go over coming events to prepare for.
  • Share tips and challenges of signature collecting.
  • Resupply on signs and initiative sheets, etc
  • Get a heads up and give input on new advertising campaigns getting ready to launch.
  • And more...

Feel free to bring a friend or two who share our passion for positive change in our county and country. While making a difference on a national scale may seem challenging, our collective efforts can undoubtedly create a substantial impact right here in our own backyard.

Here's the meeting location:


Aero Club Banquet Room

9901 NE 7th Ave # C200 (upstairs)

Vancouver, WA 98685

If you plan to come Sunday, please sign up as a volunteer HERE (If you haven't already)


Rob Anderson

Restore Election Confidence Initiative Committee

PS- You can now donate to the Restore Election Confidence Initiative by CLICKING HERE
