CORRECTION: Mtg Is Wednesday... We Have To Act WEDNESDAY 4/13 @ 8:30AM

Apr 11, 2022 4:59 pm

County Setting To Rig Elections This Wednesday

Even though the Fall elections are many months away, the County Council is on the verge of tipping the scales towards Julie Olson and eventually Karen Bowerman. The voters passed an amendment that required redistricting but instead of choosing from any from the committee or from the voters pamphlet but have now decided to redraw the maps to PROTECT THE EXISTING COUNCILORS AND KEEP THEM AS INCUMBENTS IN THEIR OWN DISTRICTS which ultimately helps them to retain their positions.

Can you believe this? So, when people came to them for relief from loosing their jobs because of an illegitimate vaccine requirement, they didn't listen. But now, when their jobs are on the line, they spring into action and blaming the voters as would want this... so we NEED TO LET THEM KNOW THAT WE DON'T WANT THIS.

According to the RCW's, there are a number of criteria to be followed for remaking the district maps and protecting the Councilors so that they can remain in their districts and have an easier path to reelection is not one of the criteria. RCW 29A.76.010 specifically lays out five criteria and the Councilors are illegally ADDING A NEW ONE & SELF-SERVING CRITERIA.

imageHow about adding a criteria that it can only be a man or a woman or a white or black or make so much money or be over 60 or whatever other criteria while they're at it... it's ridiculous.

Their CORRUPTION IS ON FULL DISPLAY AND WE MUST TAKE ACTION AND BE HEARD. Councilor Medvigy is trying to pedal that this is what the voters would want so we must let them know loudly, respectfully but loudly, this is NOT what we want. In the Council meeting he stated, “There was nothing in the ballot (measure) that suggested to move any particular councilor anywhere. That wasn’t something the public knowingly voted for or intended,” (your can read a story here)

Councilor Medvigy is trying to shield their corrupt decision and hide behind the voters intentions while doing it. Disgusting.

If the Councilors get away with this they'll have a much easier path to hold onto power and make it easier to be re-elected. What they are doing is the simplest form of corruption... using their position and the tax payers resources for personal gain.




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On A Side Note...


You know that I’ve never asked money for me, that’s not why I do what I do. 

But this time, we need your help for Penelope, our new puppy. 

Penelope came into our lives just a few weeks ago. We really wanted a puppy and Randi, our daughter (8), has been looking forward to this for over a year. We built a fence and prepared for her before we meet her. Then it happened. We found the sweetest American Bulldog pup, and we brought her home. On our way home we knew that God just made everything workout.

We still don't know what happened, but Penny was out in the backyard and I heard her yelp multiple times so I rushed to the her to see she wasn't putting any weight on her leg... something really bad had happened.

We took her to the vet hospital, which finding one was more difficult than I thought would be, but the news eventually was horrible. Penny suffered a lateral condylar humerus fracture and has to have orthopedic surgery... no other options.

We cried and thought we'd have to say goodbye, but we decided there must be a way. We prayed and we believe God has told us to ask for help and do the work to raise the money to keep Penelope in our lives. 

Will you help and share to see if others would help Penny stay with us and Randi? We want Penny to still go on walks and to be our family dog, but we'll need your help to make that happen. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Update #1 Penelope is home!  

April 10, 2022 


Penelope is a very loved dog and God was looking after her because one of the only surgeons that could repair her leg happened to be in Portland, covering another surgeon on maternity leave. 

The truth is we couldn’t afford her surgery & we were looking at having to surrender her to the Oregon Humane society and MAYBE they could do the surgery and MAYBE they could adopt her out afterwards. 

But we thought that that was a lot of maybes and we thought there must be a way but we’d need the help of others no doubt. 

So, thank you!

Penelope is home & doing okay and we are trying to figure out how to care for her while keeping her down. She can walk but we need to keep her from puppy stuff as much as possible for the next two weeks when the stitches come out. The next hurdle will be four weeks when we X-ray how the bone is healing. 

We’ll keep you updated & feel free to share our story. 

