Kimsey Caught Helping CCRP Leaders Part 2

Jul 30, 2022 11:06 pm


imageAs you might recall, I sent an email detailing that Kimsey had backdoor communications with CCRP leaders that, in my opinion, went too far in the fact that Kimsey, without being asked, suggests that "someone could file a voter registration challenge." Then, Kimsey coaches McDonald with specific advise regarding John, his girlfriend and the best way to build the case against him.

Finally, I brought up the point that Kimsey didn't inform Ley of these behind the scenes communications or offer to recuse.

Hence, Kimsey responded by stating that he, in fact, did inform Ley and offered to recuse himself. See my replies below where I offered that if I was misinformed, I'd correct.image


Now, before I hit send on my last email I obviously reached out to Ley and asked him to confirm the aspect that Kimsey didn't inform him or offer to recuse himself and John replied back "Kimsey did NOT inform me about his previous communication with McDonald or others."image

Houston, we have a problem... sounds like someone is not telling the truth. So, I pressed Kimsey to provide evidence to support his claim, and I went back to Ley and showed him Kimsey's response to which he shared with me "Late last night I had a vague recollection of Kimsey asking about if I felt comfortable with him administering the hearing and rendering a fair judgement. But I don't recall any specific details. He may have mentioned communication with party officials, and even Kathy McDonald. But it certainly was not in the full context of what Mark Moore revealed."

Based on this, I'd say Kimsey did inform Ley of his communications with CCRP leaders. at what degree is uncertain, and offered to recuse, but Ley denied the offer.

I can't explain Ley's definitive response when I confirmed with him, but I believe that all of you need to know where things stand now... which is a BIG FAT HAIRY MESS that the 18th District voters will have to straighten out with their votes (looks like only ¼ to ⅓ of votes have been turned in so far).


Clark County Auditor, Greg Kimsey, Colluded With CCRP Leaders To Stop Candidate John Ley... Never Disclosed His Involvement To The Public Or The Judge


Recently, I received public record requests results and summary email (from Mark Moore), that clearly demonstrates that CCRP (Clark County Republican Party) leaders not only reached out to County Auditor Greg Kimsey regarding John Ley's residency issue but Kimsey then coached Kathy MacDonald, CCRP Vice-Chair, on the best tactics to have a stronger case against Ley. This guidance was then apparently (not confirmed yet) passed along from Kathy McDonald to Carolyn Crain because she followed Kimsey's "suggestions" with her later filed challenge.

Here's The Facts:

  • Kathy McDonald makes a general inquiry via text to Kimsey (CC Auditor) to confirm John Ley has moved his voter registration address. From McDonald “Good afternoon, hey can you check and see if John Ley has changed his voter registration to a Battle Ground address?
  • Kimsey then responds (that day based that there's no new date on text messages) to confirm that John Ley has switched his voter registration to Battle Ground with "“Yes, he has moved to Battle Ground.”.
  • Additionally, and without being asked, Kimsey suggests to Kathy McDonald, "Someone could file a voter registration challenge
  • After McDonald informs Kimsey that they plan to do just that and a few ways they're going to go about it, Kimsey coaches them on other methods to help make their case against Mr. Ley by texting "multiple photos of him arriving in the evening and leaving in the morning to and from Liz Cline’s home - time and date stamped. Best definition of residence is where you lay your head at night. He will say he’s temporarily sleeping over at Liz Cline’s house. Driver’s license is good supporting evidence, and where does he get his mail delivered.
  • On May 26, 2022, Carolyn Crain submits a Voter Registration Challenge that includes one of Kimsey's suggestions (Certified letter receipts).
  • On June 28th, Kimsey oversaw the Voters Registration Challenge hearing he suggested against John Ley. Yet, he never informed Ley of his involvement or offered to recuse himself (Looks like Kimsey did inform and offer to recuse).
  • On July 6, he issued his decision in favor of the Voters Registration Challenge but, as he warned to McDonald that "residency was hard to disprove", he didn't remove Ley as a candidate.
  • On July 15, the judge rules that Ley is an ineligible candidate and, as far as I know, Kimsey never informed the judge of his role in the genesis and the development of the Voter Registration Challenge.

For full disclosure, I'm a fan of John Ley and the great work he's done for conservative issues in the county. However, I'm not a fan of the political strategy John took regarding changing his voter registration address to run in the 18th District and his motives for doing so (and I've shared that with him directly). However, I do believe that everyone is entitled to a fair hearing by an impartial official. Obviously, Ley didn't receive that and I believe that later the judge was not properly informed of Kimsey's behind the scenes involvement. Furthermore, the County has ethics policies that Kimsey possibly violated which reads:

"Honesty - I agree to disclose to my superiors any situation in which there is the fact, appearance or possibility of a conflict of interest between my interests and those of the organization. I also accept the responsibility and duty to disclose or refuse to conceal acts of wrongdoing of which I may have knowledge. I will make appropriate judgments as to how, when, and to who these disclosures shall be made." ( page 132)"

Also, the "Use of public resources for political campaigns" is a violation of RCW 42.52.180 which was included in a recent ethics code resolution passed by the County Council. They adopted that all elected County officials to be held by the same standard stated below:

(1) No state officer or state employee may use or authorize the use of facilities of an agency, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of assisting a campaign for election of a person to an office or for the promotion of or opposition to a ballot proposition. Knowing acquiescence by a person with authority to direct, control, or influence the actions of the state officer or state employee using public resources in violation of this section constitutes a violation of this section. Facilities of an agency include, but are not limited to, use of stationery, postage, machines, and equipment, use of state employees of the agency during working hours, vehicles, office space, publications of the agency, and clientele lists of persons served by the agency.

The violation with the RCW code is that Kimsey (a republican) worked with republican officials on how to take out another republican, which all could've been done to help out Greg Cheney (you guessed it... another republican) all on his county cell phone.

Not to mention that Kimsey failed to disclose his involvement to the public (his supervisors are the voters) or to Ley and offer to recuse himself or inform the judge of his potentially compromised status. How can Kimsey maintain an unbiased and fair position as Auditor to rule on this matter? This is like a judge secretly working with a Prosecuting Attorney to help him build a stronger case against a defendant and pretending he didn't when ruling on the case.

Remaining Questions:

  • Who else on the CCRP Executive Team was involved in this collusion with Kimsey?
  • Did Kimsey properly inform the Prosecuting Attorney representing him or did he misinform the judge of his role in the genesis of the challenge?
  • Did Kimsey want to take down Ley to help the Cheney campaign?
  • Can Kimsey be trusted with his other duties as auditor?
  • Why is the Vice Chair of the CCRP working to knock out another Republican?
  • Was candidate Greg Cheney (Treasurer of CCRP) involved in this plot to take out John Ley?
  • What questions do you have???


BTW... This is the same Kathy McDonald, Vice Chair of the CCRP, who supports Kim Hamlik who is pro-abortion, refuses to support "no tolls" or no lightrail, and supports Inslee's mandates. All these issues go against core positions of the CCRP yet it seems that the CCRP executive team is conducting a shadow campaign against Belkot and other conservative candidates.

Stay tuned...


I walk through who I voted for, why I voted for them and all the other candidates that are on the ballot that I would vote for if I could.


  • NO on County Prop 11
  • Tiffany Smiley - Senate
  • Heidi St. John - WA 3 Congress
  • Mark Miloscia - Secretary of State
  • Peter Abbarno - 20th Position 1
  • Ed Orcutt - 20th Position 2
  • Peter Van Nortwick - Assessor
  • Brett Simpson - Auditor
  • Scott Weber - Clerk
  • Don Benton - D5 Clark County Council
  • WRITE IN: Angus Lee - Prosecuting Attorney
  • Rey Reynolds - Sheriff
  • WRITE IN: Misty Ray - Treasurer
  • NO on Ridgefield School Levy
  • YES on Fire Rescue Tax

Candidates who I would vote for if I could...

  • Hannah Joy - 17th position 1
  • Earl Bowerman - 17th Pos 2
  • Brad Benton - 18th Pos 2 (Only because John Ley is deemed disqualified )
  • Jeremy Baker - 49th Pos 2
  • Doug Coop - D1 County Council
  • Michelle Belkot - D2 County Council



“Elections are won and lost NOW”
