Matt Bumala For Chair & Sally Synder for Vice-Chair of the Clark County Republican Central Committee

Dec 09, 2022 9:46 pm

Vote For Matt & Sally This Saturday To Turn Clark County Aroundimage


It's no secret that the Clark County Republican Party has had serious problems within the leadership and trouble executing in promoting candidates to advance the party's core values. The issues have been brewing for years and it won't be a quick remedy to turn things around but it begins with putting people in leadership that want to turn Clark County into a Republican powerhouse.


[text from photo since it's a little small]


Dear Clark County Republican PCO's,

My name is Sally Snyder, current PCO 450, and I would like to serve you as the Clark County Republican Central Committee Vice-Chair. 

Over the last couple of years, I have served and made a difference for conservatives and those who want their county government institutions back. Recently, I served on the Belkot campaign for Michelle’s school board and Clark County Council races. As Senior Campaign Advisor and Volunteer Coordinator for Belkot’ s race for County Councilor, I coordinated and lead the canvassing in 66 precincts with over 40 volunteers, planned campaign events, and personally canvassed every door in many D2 precincts to engage with like-minded community members. As you know, we delivered one of the strongest victories for Republicans with the election of Michelle Belkot in a Democrat-leaning district of D2. 

As a member of Patriots United, I am the School Action Committee Lead. I coordinated the first 11 Initiatives signing event in Clark County with over 600 signatures at our first event. I am a regular speaker at monthly school board meetings speaking out against Covid vaccination pods in school parking lots, hiding vaccination clinics from parents, and pornographic books in the government-run school libraries. I have helped Patriots United become a leading group that brings conservative patriots together to fight back against tyranny and organize action. 

I have lived in Clark County my entire life. I’m retired from Clark Public Utilities after 21 years, working 10 years in customer service and 11 years in new construction. I have three amazing teenagers, one at WSUV and 17-year-old twins in the Running Start Program. 

I love God, my Country, my Family, and all He has given us here in our Country and in Clark County. I am a servant at heart, and I look forward to being a part of the vision and mission of the CCRP. I will put all my experience into making our party healthy, action-oriented, and put our party values to work which will produce winning results. 

As the CCRCC Vice-Chair, I shall follow the governing authority of RCWs, WSRP Bylaws, and the Clark County Republican Party Bylaws. I serve you, the PCO body, and I ask for your vote at the December 10th organizational meeting. 

Sally Synder

360.921.8504 Cell 

If you are a PCO, please vote for Matt Bumala and Sally Synder tomorrow:

Where: Clark Community College - Foster Hall - 1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver WA, 98663 - Parking in Section 3 - RED

When: Registration at 8:00 AM, Roll Call at 9 AM

