Councilor Julie Olson Censured... CCPH No Longer Sharing Breakthrough Data

Mar 31, 2022 4:19 am

Clark County Council Sends Pick For District 5 (North County) To INSLEE Thanks To Julie Olson Voting With Temple Lentz (yet again)...image

You can read the Clark County Today article about what happened here but, in short, Councilor Olson, from District 2 (D2), voted with Temple Lentz against appointing Dick Rylander, a proven conservative in Clark County, to represent D5 or to fill Chair Eileen's position. Even though Olson indicated interest in opening the process to other candidates, anyone who has been paying attention knows that she'll never vote for a conservative and would eventually run the clock out to kick it to Inslee. Councilor Medvigy, in an attempt to force Inslee to make a decision sooner, made a motion to send it to Inslee which was voted on 4-0. Medvigy should've let Olson and Temple fully own the decision to take this out of the Council's hands, away from the people, and handing it to Inslee but I understand he's just trying put Inslee in a situation where he names the new councilor before the deadline to file for the Fall election. Medvigy probably doesn't want Don Benton, who has announced he is running for the D5, to be on the Council because Don has a reputation on being a fighter and strong conservative.

Julie Olson has been fully exposed now, even though she's trying to play that she'd be open to other candidates, she is fully behind and works in tandem with the Democrats and Inslee. Olson doesn't represent the people of Clark County but represents Inslee, the bureaucracy and most of all, the issues that Temple Lentz supports. It's time for her to go..,

So, I helped bring a motion to censure Julie Olson for not voting for any of the solid conservatives that were brought forth for a vote. The Clark County Republican Party voted overwhelmingly to censure Olson on Tuesday night, the same day she voted against the Republican nominees. Her undoing has begun and her corruption is on full display.

New Clark County Council Candidates Are Shaping Up


Don Benton is running for Clark County Council District 5. Don was first elcted to public office when he won a seat in the Washinton state House of Representatives in 1994. In 1996 he was elected to the state Senate to represent North East Clark County, and was reelected four times.

Michelle Belkot is running for District 2 (Julie Olson's current district). Michelle has served in the Air Force and Navy for a combined 24 years and ran for Vancouver School Board last year. She's running to bring back the "representing" aspect to the Council and be the people's voice on important issues like crime & policing, homelessness and vital transportation improvements to reduce traffic and commute times. But most of all, Michelle is a fighter for the people rather than the bureaucracy and the administrative state in Clark County.


Doug Coop is running against Temple Lentz in District 1 and is still getting his team and info together but could come to the next CCG Workshop and you'll meet him.

Get behind and support these candidates by clicking on their names and volunteering and helping them in any way you can.

We have a great opportunity this Fall to replace Temple and Julie and get a conservative majority back on the Council. Getting back control will be HUGE before the next Covid variant miraculously pops up before the next election.

Clark County Has Spent Millions of Covid Money... Where Did It Go???image

In May of 2021, the Clark County was allocated 95 MILLION DOLLARS which is to be disbursed in two 45 million dollar payments. The first allocation was in May of 2021 and the second installment will happen in May of this year, 2022.

Where did the money go? Apparently, the Council isn't really interested in accountability and seeing what results and outcomes we got for the money. By the way, the 95 million doesn't include another 50 million that was given for rental assistance nor the millions of dollars the individual schools received (VSD received over 63 million alone).

I'm working with all the County Council candidates to pledge to develop a Covid Accountability and Review & Recommendations (CARR) team that will perform an independent audit and detail where the money went, did it help "fight Covid" and what were the outcomes. This team would also review the Clark County Public Health efforts and make recommendations for the next go around which is probably just around the corner.

Is Clark County Public Health Hiding Breakthrough (fully vax'd) Data?image

CCPH last updated breakthrough data on March 18, 2022. They have discontinued updating the public with the “preliminary” County data. 

CCPH now directs the public to the DOH 421-010 report “Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths” for up to date “complete” data, but the DOH weekly report is out of date. It hasn’t updated since March 2, 2022. “Technical issues.”

So the most recent “complete“ data for Clark County is thru January 2022. The most recent case data for Washington state is thru Feb. 22, 2022; WA hospital data thru Feb. 14, 2022; and deaths data thru Feb. 1, 2022. 

And to make matters worse, the DOH report “complete” data showed that raw number fully vaccinated cases and hospitalizations outpaced unvaccinated starting in February. And by the final week of reporting check out these raw numbers for WA state: 

Fully vaccinated cases11,712 and unvaccinated cases -65. Over 100% of WA cases fully vaccinated, Feb. 14-22. 

Fully vaccinated hospitalizations 520 and unvaccinated hospitalizations 71. 88% of WA hospitalizations fully vaccinated, Feb. 7-14. 

Those numbers are based on DOH 421-010 reports March 2, 2022 and February 23, 2022. 


Both county and state data trended to over 100% of cases and hospitalizations fully vaxxed.

Both county and state have stopped sharing data with the public.

Neither county nor state has informed the public of the case and hospital trends.

Thus…technical issues = ??? (How to hide the data?) 

  • Data analysis done by Melissa Leady



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