Kimsey Swears In Sue - Let The Recounts Begin - D5 Numbers Look Odd -

Dec 01, 2022 6:49 pm

SURPRISE: Kimsey Swears In Sue


To everyone's surprise, Auditor Kimsey swore in Sue Marshall as the new D5 Clark County Councilor. Most, probably including Dick Rylander, were expecting to have Sue sworn in January, but with budget votes coming the Democrats seized control of the County Council. Even though it should be a short time, I'm sure taxpayer dollars will be flying out of the 6th floor (where the Council resides) in December (yes, I consider Julie Olson a Democrat so with Lentz, Marshall and Olson we'll see a democrat majority).

Also, another reason for this rush transition is have you ever seen a football game where one side makes a play that looks like it could be overturned? What do they do? They rush to snap the next play before the play is reviewed and possibly overturned. This is what it looks like in politics.

According to the article, Kimsey initiated the move by calling Sue Marshall telling her she could be sworn in immediately after certification... and that's what they did.

Councilor Rylander was a huge disappointment who never attempted, verbalized, or acted to reduce government overreach, spending, or taxation. Instead, he often led the charge by making the motions to accept County employee bonuses and supported an unprecedented amount of spending at taxpayers' expense (Rylander apparently felt justified because it was ARPA money and doesn't understand that's still taxpayer money so somehow that makes it different). Unfortunately, I expect Sue Marshall to be worse in this department but will throw North County citizens a bone or two but will mostly support bigger government, spending, and taxation (we'll find out next week at the budget meeting).

Benton & Kent Seek Recounts

Did D5 (North County) really have more democrats turn out than D1 or D2? Did Kent voters, to a large degree, really not vote for Benton? Did Marie Perez fool enough Republicans and Independents away from Joe?

These are just a few questions that several have regarding the recent election. I've done some deep number crunching of the precincts in D5 and the numbers look suspicious.

Check out these precincts and tell me what you think... (these numbers have changed some since I pulled the data before finalized & Key to the columns is below the charts).


Left to Right

Blue = Sue Marshall votes

Red = Don Benton

Total Marshall/Benton

Total voted Sheriff (note that more people voted Sheriff than D5)

Maroon = Difference between voting for Kent but NOT for Benton

Purple = Undervotes from 2022 WA3 vs D5 County Council race

Green = Undervotes from 2018 that Voted for JHB but not Eileen Quiring O'Brien (For Comparison).

Blue = Marie votes

Red = Kent votes

Total WA3 votes

Green = Total WA3 votes from 2018 (for comparison)

Benton and Kent campaigns will need help paying for costly recounts... stay tuned. This will be the closest way to an audit so we need to help these recounts go forward.


What Will It Cost To Recount?

Don Benton has been inquiring about the estimated costs of a manual recount and it's still very unclear what the costs might be. Current quotes range from .68 to possibly $50 a ballot, depending on the size of the recount request. It doesn't take a genius to understand that a basic local campaign will cost $40-100k and to be able to afford a $40k+ recount is just not practical to most candidates and campaigns.

But, rest assured, the recounts are coming, both manual (Benton) and machine (Kent).

If you'd like to help the Benton recount efforts CLICK HERE

If you'd like to help the Kent recount efforts CLICK HERE



“Elections are won and lost NOW”
