Belkot Takes Oath - Officials Admit They Knew Vax Wouldn't Stop Infections - Rally This Monday

Jan 06, 2023 3:16 am

Belkot Sworn Into Officeimage

This week Michelle Belkot was sworn into office and ready to dig in and work for the people of D2 and Clark County. I'm sure the administrative state will soon work to undermine her and others that look to lessen the government's overreach on citizens.

Glen Yung has been asking a lot of questions and I'm hoping that will continue and he'll not just look to go along but keep asking questions and make informed decisions for the voters.

Sue Marshall is what many of us feared, a tax-and-spend Democrat that will only look to advance the Democrat agenda, the administrative state (mainly controlled by Democrats), and throw a bone to the environmental climate and property rights crowd if possible, as long as it doesn't stray from the Democrat parties agenda, that is. One of her first votes was to increase taxes even though a budget was presented that didn't need the extra revenue.

After Michelle gets settled, I'm sure there will be some exciting developments.

Rally This Coming Monday!image

Dr. Birx Admits "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection."image

WATCH THE VIDEO HERE where Dr. Birx admits that she knew the vaccines weren't going to protect people from infection and that 50% of the people that died from the Omicron surge were older and vaccinated.

Yet, how many public health officials mislead the public into thinking they were "protected" and that they were protecting others by getting vaccinated?


Here in Washington State, Inslee and his minions knew that the shots weren't working as advertised yet doubled down with vaccine mandates. They knew it wasn't going to reduce spread and infection and they also had evidence that the shots were breaking through at a much higher rate than expected... yet they kept doubling down and coercing people to get them.

READ HERE the article that details what health officials knew but kept pushing vax mandates that has caused disruptions that we are still dealing with.

From the article, Ari Hoffman is quoted as saying, “Health and elected officials had a narrative that the vax stopped the spread and did not know how to admit they were wrong,” he told The Center Square via email. “So they kept pushing forward with a false narrative. It not only lost them all credibility, but their egos put people who had pre-existing conditions like cancer and the elderly at risk.”



“Elections are won and lost NOW”
