UPDATE: Small Victory At The County Council & CCG Workshop Next Week 4/19 @ 7pm

Apr 15, 2022 2:11 pm

imageUPDATE: County Council REJECTS Corrupt Map That Shapes Districts Around Themselves

Corruption = the abuse of political power by the government leaders to extract and accumulate for private enrichment, and to use politically corrupt means to maintain their hold on power.

Way to go Linda & team! Our watchful vigilance is getting results. Those in power are starting to get the message that we are paying attention and we will not tolerate corrupt and elitist decisions. READ THE CLARKCOUNTYTODAY ARTICLE HERE

Council Medvigy is grasping at straws. He doesn’t want to admit this, but he had the chance to pass a map back in Feb when they had the majority but punted… it’s not like the Republicans would get great representation from the PA’s office. Now, he said they are following all the State guidance, yet if anyone looks at that map they were voting on they’d laugh that it was “compact” which means they were sacrificing one or more of the criterion for their added & corrupt request to redraw with their addresses in each current district.

Towards the end he was saying he just wanted it to be done with so why did he vote for Temple’s motion? If he voted no then they could’ve voted on the B2 map and reduce a weeks time. All his political instincts have been wrong the last year.

Trust me, I know what the D’s are up to. The Charter Review Committee is nothing but Democrats and Leftist and this was gerrymandering by moving R’s out of their districts. But R’s fell asleep when those came out and didn’t put up a fight to stop them (lawsuits, educating voters, etc) but trying to rectify via corrupt means is not the way forward. Kudos to Councilor Karen Bowerman for listening and reversing course.

Check out my Letter To The Editor HERE



imageJoin us on Tuesday April 19th as we Connect, Learn and Engage regarding what can be done in Clark County to restore our Constitutional Republic and reform so "We The People" are heard and get in the drivers seat in our local government.


  • General Updates on County Council dealings including the latest on redistricting, my ethics complaint and Ethics Resolution.
  • Belkot's campaign for district 2: events coming up and opportunities to volunteer
  • Start planning for a Clark County Councilor Candidate Forum for this Summer.
  • Patriots United Event next day
  • Review of Liz Pike's Campaign training for April 9th

Bring a snack or appetizers to mingle and connect and then we’ll roll up our sleeves and get to work.



Read the "Against" Statement that I wrote for the Ridgefield Bond HERE


On A Side Note...


You know that I’ve never asked money for me, that’s not why I do what I do. 

But this time, we need your help for Penelope, our new puppy. 

Penelope came into our lives just a few weeks ago. We really wanted a puppy and Randi, our daughter (8), has been looking forward to this for over a year. We built a fence and prepared for her before we meet her. Then it happened. We found the sweetest American Bulldog pup, and we brought her home. On our way home we knew that God just made everything workout.

We still don't know what happened, but Penny was out in the backyard and I heard her yelp multiple times so I rushed to the her to see she wasn't putting any weight on her leg... something really bad had happened.

We took her to the vet hospital, which finding one was more difficult than I thought would be, but the news eventually was horrible. Penny suffered a lateral condylar humerus fracture and has to have orthopedic surgery... no other options.

We cried and thought we'd have to say goodbye, but we decided there must be a way. We prayed and we believe God has told us to ask for help and do the work to raise the money to keep Penelope in our lives. 

Will you help and share to see if others would help Penny stay with us and Randi? We want Penny to still go on walks and to be our family dog, but we'll need your help to make that happen. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Update #2 Penelope is recovering!  

April 12, 2022 


Penelope is very much a puppy and she wants to play in the snow and be kinda crazy but we're doing our best to keep her down and let her heal up. So far, so good, but it's been very consuming but we are SO SO THANKFUL for your help. Seriously, we couldn't do this and see her walk again without so many that have chipped in to help pay the $6k+ surgery costs.


