Patriots United Elections Integrity Event Coming Up Fast - Were Election Results Slow Walked?

Aug 16, 2022 5:16 pm

imagePatriots United Election Integrity Event September 8th!

Join Patriots United, Seth Keshel, Glen Morgan & Dr. Douglas Frank as we talk about Election Integrity and Transparency in Clark County.


This event will be focused around Election Integrity and Transparency giving Clark County citizens updates on the information available after the primary, how we can protect against Election fraud in the general election, what we have done to make a difference in Southwest WA and WA State over the last 9 months!

We have to do our part as We The People to be informed and take action. This will be an incredible event! We look forward to seeing you there.

Arrive by 5:45pm-6pm for best parking!


FLASHBACK: 2018 vs 2022... Something Doesn't Add Up


In 2018, a close battle was being decided between Eileen Quiring O'Brien and Eric Holt. By that Friday after Election Day, the Elections Department had over 183k ballots counted. Compare that with our last election on August 2nd where at the same time, the Friday of that week, the Elections Department only had 112k ballots counted. That's a 70k vote difference!

What happened? Why has the Elections Department lost ground in their ability to count ballots rather than keep up pace with the growth of the county and become more efficient?

Some have said that the Elections Department was caught off guard by the amount of ballots dropped off on Election day. It's true that a lot of ballots came in (90k+) but according to an article just a few days before election day, Greg Kimsey said he expected a turnout between 40-45% which is about what came in. So, how was Kimsey and his staff not prepared for exactly what he said would happen?


I asked Elections Manager Cathy Garber and she said the same thing Kimsey said and that which was mentioned in the August 9th article that about 90k ballots that came in on election day (which brought total turnout to push into the 40% range). Yet, on July 31st, Kimsey is quoted in the paper as saying that he was expecting 40-45% (the quote here is from a July 31st Columbian article that you can read HERE).

So... if Kimsey expected 40-45% turnout why wasn't he and the elections department prepared or ready to handle 40-45% turnout in a timely manner? Kimsey, like normal, is trying to have it both ways.

“Elections are won and lost NOW”
