Ethics Complaint Moves Forward - Worst Voter Turnout - CCRP Christmas Social

Dec 01, 2023 2:51 am

Confidence Crisis? Last Election In Clark County Had The Lowest Turnout On Record

In the General Election of November 2023, Clark County had the worst voter turnout among the public records available. Only 26% of registered voters voted (88,836) which is a dramatic drop when you compare to all the other off-year elections. Check out the numbers:


2023 - 26% - 88k

2021 - 35% - 113k

2019 - 36% - 106k

2017 - 31% - 84k

2015 - 34% - 85k

2013 - 37% - 92k

2011 - 48% - 109k

2009 - 43% - 93k

2007 - 43% - 188k

2005 - 52% - 101k

2003 - 31% - 54k

2001 - 35% - 63k

1999 - 50% - 83k

1997 - 50% - 81k

There are so many variables in any election that you can't pin it on one thing but one big aspect for sure is the eroding confidence people have in our elections but most of the election officials keep dismissing the public's concerns, especially here in Clark County.

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If you are interested, curious, considering or just know somehow who could be a good candidate for an elected office, reach out because we need to find people NOW to run in next year's elections. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME

Ethics Complaint Against Auditor Kimsey Moves Forward Next Week

Next week, on December 7th at 1pm, the newly formed Ethics Committee will be reviewing the ethics complaint on Auditor Kimsey.

If you recall, last September, the Clark County Council approved Auditor Kimsey's $4.4 million dollar request to upgrade the election facilities. This was after his request was tabled in June because several citizens brought you documented concerns about our elections that were overall damaging the public's confidence in our election process. In August, the Council had promised to review the citizens' concerns. However, when the request came back on the agenda, many of the Council members balked and rubberstamped Kimsey's request.image

But, behind closed doors, Kimsey sent an email to the Councilor mostly minimizing the public concerns with a few sentence brush-off dismissals. One of the dismissals also included false information in which Auditor Kimsey minimized the ballot errors by stating that there were only 2 ballot errors when really there were 16 ballot errors among a small number of total ballots reviewed which resulted in a 1 in 742 error rate.

Here's a link to the ethics complaint filed and you can watch the Committee meeting by:

Join by computer: Meeting Link

Join by phone: 1-408-418-9388 

Meeting #: 2488 201 9995

Password: CCEthics (22384427 from phones)

If you plan to give a comment, always be respectful and don't name-call or be rude. This Ethics Committee are volunteers and so far, they look to be taking their job seriously.

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