Today Is Reformation Day! Voting Recommendations For 2023 - Salute To Veterans CCRW Event

Oct 31, 2023 10:41 pm

Happy Reformation Day!image

Reformation Day, October 31st, commemorates the pivotal day in 1517 when Martin Luther, a German monk, boldly nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the All Saints' Church in Wittenberg, Germany. This audacious act ignited a transformative movement known as the Protestant Reformation, which challenged the existing authority of the Catholic Church and sparked a theological revolution. It was a time when the church had strayed from its spiritual mission, and corruption had seeped into its core.

Luther's 95 Theses were not merely a critique of the church's sale of indulgences but a profound call for reform. He advocated for the primacy of faith and grace in salvation, the authority of Scripture, and the priesthood of all believers. These ideas shook the foundations of religious dogma, empowering individuals to interpret the Bible for themselves and fostering a culture of intellectual and spiritual inquiry. This era of upheaval saw the emergence of various Protestant denominations, each contributing to the rich tapestry of Christian faith.

The Reformation was not confined to matters of theology; it instigated a profound societal transformation. It spurred the development of modern education, as reformers believed that individuals should be educated to read and interpret the Bible. The movement's influence extended to the realm of governance, emphasizing principles of individual liberty and separation of church and state.

Reformation Day reminds us that the pursuit of truth and justice is a timeless endeavor. We find inspiration in the courage and determination of those who, like Martin Luther, stood up against corruption and false teachings, and in doing so, rekindled the knowledge of God. This day urges us to embrace our role as stewards of integrity and righteousness in our present world.

So, this Reformation Day, let's honor the legacy of those who dared to challenge the status quo. Let's carry forward their spirit of reform, valuing the pursuit of truth, justice, and the knowledge of God.

- Rob Anderson, Reform Clark County

CCRW Event "Salute To Veterans"


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Watch the short video here about the decision


Voting Recommendations For 2023image

I collaborated with CCRW this year and here are our voting recommendations.

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