COMPLETE VINDICATION! - Final Legal Review Complete - Signature Launch Set For Republican Caucus on Feb 3rd

Jan 26, 2024 11:15 pm

Restore Election Confidence Initiative Clears Final Hurdle: YES - IT'S LEGAL

The process initiated on December 19th has successfully concluded. Despite the setbacks of being inaccurately deemed "rejected" and the issuance of an improper legal opinion by the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, the Writ of Mandamus filed prompted a reversal (despite the office's denial) of the initiative. It's not just alive; it's now READY FOR SIGNATURES.image

Today marked the completion of the crucial final step—the proper legal review

Even though the PA's office tried to stop the initiative, literally saying that they were denying it from the ballot, the Restore Election Confidence Initiative has not only cleared the final review process but is deemed a legal initiative according to the Home Rule Charter standards. This is COMPLETE VINDICATION, but The Columbian probably won't apologize or tell the full story so you must hear the truth:

"In the opinion of the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney, the subject of this initiative is within the scope of local initiative powers.

Yes [X]

No [ ]

No opinion at this time [ ].”


Some will begin signature collection now but the official launch of the signature gathering is February 3rd at the Clark County Republican Caucus starting at 8:30 AM (doors close at 9:55 AM sharp!)


Click HERE To Give To REC Initiative Effort

imagePrecinct Caucus Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024

Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds Hall B

Parking is FREE!

Doors open at 8:30 AM Doors close at 9:55 AM

Meeting 10:00 AM to 12:45 PM


Election of delegates and alternates for the CCRP County Convention and discussion of issues for the CCRP Party Platform.


Please confirm your precinct at: Verify your precinct location to expedite checking in to the event.


You will also be required to sign a statement that you are a Republican and have not participated nor will not participate in the 2024 caucus or convention system of any other party.


Registered voters must bring a valid form of picture ID in order to caucus. Valid ID include driver's license, state-issued ID, Military ID, and US passport.


Register to vote at the caucus: Washingtonians must bring a valid form of ID and proof of residence. Voters are required to be 18 years old by 11/5/24, election day in order to register.


Caucus Rules

Caucus Videos

Caucus Platform Information & Input


Give To Support The Restore Election Confidence Initiative


The informed Consent resolution that was adopted in September in Clark County, was overwhelmingly adopted by the State Committee. Thanks to PCO Bob Runnels for his diligence and research in pulling all this together. He joined us in Longview on Saturday to witness the adoption of this resolution. The committee gave specific direction for the WSRP to give publicity to this issue and resolution adoption. After 975 days of lockdown and "emergency" control and mandates by Governor Inslee, we are taking a principled stand for your Constitutional, God-given rights over your own body and healthcare. 

It was resolved that The Clark County Republican Party (CCRP) finds that any emergency order, proclamation, directive, executive order, ordinance or law that mandates medical interventions, products, or procedures, or tracking and tracing of individuals is coercive, violates informed consent, is unconstitutional, and will be challenged. The CCRP seeks to endorse and support candidates who support this position.

The resolution in its entirety may be read at: RESOLUTION PROTECTING THE RIGHT TO INFORMED CONSENT

At the roots of the resolution, it was suggested by a national group then Bob Runnels, with help from Margaret Tweet, drafted into its current form. Then it was passed in the 18th after more stakeholder input and some legal review. The 17th LD passed an early version and then the county then passed an updated version on Sept. 9th. Then the 3rd Congressional group of County parties supported it on to the WSRP. It passed by a nearly unanimous voice vote.

Semi Bird seconded the motion to go to an approval vote by the body and the next step is the state platform (maybe a Legislative Joint Memorial as a peace offering).


The day after I filed the Writ of Mandamus with a Skamania County judge, the PA's office reached out to me via email and wanted to talk. During our conversation, Leslie Lopez, Chief Civil Deputy, informed me that they received the Writ of Mandamus and were looking to reverse their decision to deny the initiative from the ballot and to forward the "Restore Election Confidence" initiative to the Auditor as the Home Rule Charter calls for. From this conversation, Ms. Lopez indicated that if they created a ballot title and forwarded it to the Auditor, would I be willing to pull the Writ that was filed?image

In other words, they got caught and know that they really don't want a judge to force them to follow the Charter and to do it fairly.

Later in the evening, they sent me a follow-up letter indicating that they will be reversing and will be forwarding the proposed initiative to the Auditor on January 11, 2024.

But after prayer, consideration, and seeking wise counsel, I replied to address the remaining problem of conducting a proper legal review (see my reply in the screenshot), as specified in the Charter in 7.2 A, B., and the need to make a public statement to undo the damage that has been done that the proposed initiative is rejected and not legal.

imageI had another phone call with the PA's office on Thursday and they confirmed that not only were they forwarding the initiative back to the Auditor but, with a few minor changes, they said they'd CHECK THE YES BOX TO SAY THE INITIATIVE COMPLIES WITH CHARTER REQUIREMENTS!

Here's What You NEED TO DO:

Stay Informed: Sign up for updates and stay in the loop.

Volunteer: Join the signature collection efforts.

Spread the Word: Every small effort makes a difference.

Support Reform Clark County's Efforts (GiveSendGo)

ICYMI: Restore Election Confidence Initiative Filed In Clark County

It'll come as no shock to many, that we've got a serious problem in Clark County —our recent election saw a dismal 26% turnout. What's more concerning? The lack of urgency from the folks at the top—the Auditor, County Council, and State officials. As a result, I've filed a new petition with the Clark County Auditor because the people have the final say and there are times when it falls in our hands to do something when our officials refuse to act.

Beyond the low turnout, the dismissive attitude of those in power brings us to this point. This year the County Council approved a $4.4 million request from the Auditor, despite valid concerns from the community and a promise to investigate issues raised. Also, Auditor Kimsey's response involved a misleading statement that has resulted in an ethics complaint adding to the growing mistrust. On both sides of the political aisle, many have expressed serious election security concerns that have lingered to the point that confidence in Clark County's electoral processes is hanging by a thread.

After careful review, with several attorneys, members of the Clark County Election Integrity Team, and Bill Bruch, WA GOP Chair of the State's Election Integrity Committee, the initiative submitted will address these core issues:

  1. Chain of Custody: Ensure the security and accurate reporting of ballots to the public from pick up to storage.
  2. Fraud Prevention: Stop illegitimate ballots from being sent out or counted.
  3. Voter Roll Cleanup: Ensure voter rolls are maintained 30 days before mailing out ballots.
  4. Transparency Measures: Install cameras at all drop boxes and processing areas.
  5. Post-Election Audit: A thorough examination after every presidential election.
  6. Timely Reporting: Provide the majority of results by the end of election day.
  7. Fraud Investigations: Address irregularities promptly and keep the public informed.
  8. Implementation Deadline: Ensure all measures are in place before the next scheduled election and place serious consequences for failure to do so.

If you are interested, curious, considering or just know someone who could be a good candidate for an elected office, reach out because we need to find people NOW to run in next year's elections. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME

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“YOU are the catalyst for reform”

Paid for by Reform Clark County

With Permission of the Restore Election Confidence Initiative Committee
