NEW: Clark County Voting System Worse Than I Thought

Feb 03, 2023 11:06 pm

Recounts Show The Clark County Voting System Is Worse Than We Thought


Originally, when I filed my complaint I was under the impression that the Kent Campaign conducted a full machine recount of all 207,112 ballots but I was wrong.  The Kent campaign only recounted the undervotes totaling just 2,404 ballots.  With this new realization, the error rate becomes an astounding .582% instead of .0067%.  Remember, this only represents undervotes in just one race.  Houston, we have a problem… a really big problem. You can read my latest Letter To The Editor published in Clark County Today HERE.

The recounts show us that with only 11,875 ballots reviewed,16 ballots were not counted which produced an error rate of 0.134646%. Think about this, the Federal accuracy standards allow a maximum error rate of .0002% or one out of 500,000 and calls for a target error rate of .00001% or one in 10,000,000. Based on these accuracy standards, the Clark County voting system is operating far beyond standards put forth in the Help America Vote Act of 2002.

Action must be taken immediately, but Kimsey has stated in the past that he'll only act under a court order.

A hearing could result because of my complaint, but we shouldn't wait until this possible outcome. Over a hundred people have already joined my complaint and call for action by Kimsey to authorize a full forensic audit by a citizens-based third party to produce a public report, offer remedies to the problems discovered, and then call for more regularly rigorous audits that will truly test the voting system accuracy. Sounds reasonable, right? Join the one-hundred-plus Clark County citizens by clicking HERE to add your name to the amended complaint and call for the audit (you’ll also get email updates).

The following Clark County citizens have already joined the complaint and call for the audit:

Katie Johansen, Theissa Johansen, James Thomas, AG Lefebvre, Brad Marti

Kerrie Gunter, Justin Larson, Wendy Whitt, kari Fields, Kirk VanGelder, Sarah Akey, Alicia Pomeroy, Lisa Pierce, Wesley Irvin, Kelly Roest, Ray Davis, Traci Kelly, Lewis Smith, Valerie Weinhart, Debra Ponder, Christi Lazzaretto, Leslie Wuitschick, Colleen Gudge, Steven Iltz, Rita Scott-Kezar, Gayle Kalian, Jennifer Holbrook, Richard Barile, Lloyd Squires, Katherine Coker, Lorena McFarland, Kelly Burbank, Chelsea Ochoa, Chuck Christensen, Phillip Hogan, Kimberly Sherertz, Vanessa Huffman, Lori Rone, James Klarenbach, Carolyn Price, Mark Heagy, Janna Meyer, Carmen McCarver, Joy Duran, Clayton Buerkle, Jason Campbell, Jennie Vaughn, Larry Harrell, Jeffrey Miles, Theresa Clark, Rhonda Gibson, Christopher Young, Judy Glenney, Natasha Georgescu, Joanne Parrent, Chuck Williams, Michael Terry, Deborah Royko, Michael Jelineo, Stuart Missfeldt, Angela Daniels, Saundra Weaver, Megan Clark, Rob Anderson, Myrna Leija, Phil Van Eynde, Walters Shauna, Harold Hanson, Maureen Horn, Gary Wilson, Sharon Long, Frank Alonzo Jayde Hamilton, Erik Winegardner, Linda Hampton, Alan Svehaug, Katie Thompson, James Klarenbach, Gary Gray, Diane Kong, Lana Gibson, Nancy Holbrook, Debi Dabasinskas, Julie Wieting, Gary Smith, David Nelson, Mike Dorthalina, Teri Moyer, Keith Winsell, Joseph Smith, David Dunn, Donald Tingley, Tina Swab, Edward Rush, Lauren Colas, Vannette Shangrow, Martha Nyemaster-Schelb, Michael Grossnickle, Brian Wuitschick, Melissa Wellborn, Patricia Bellamy, Dori Miller, Lance Kulla, Kathleen Sproles 

Join your name to the complaint and call for the audit by clicking HERE



Leftist vandals who want to protect their indoctrination centers (public schools) are destroying the "Vote NO" as fast as we put them back up. But we will not concede to their thuggery and lawlessness. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO REPLACE AND NOT GIVE UP informing the public on why they should vote no.

Please donate HERE at so we keep repairing or replacing them to combat these Marxist tactics.



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CHECK IT OUT: Randi's Love Of Artimage

My daughter Randi is quite an entrepreneur and wants to share with you her art. She's an amazing little girl and has launched an Etsy shop where friends, family, and those that just love supporting our youth can go and download her art. Use this promo code (yes, she created a promo code... what nine-year-old does this???) REFORM10 to get a 10% discount.

Click HERE to check it out


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