PA's Office Declines Voter Fraud Case - Great Start With Hundreds Signed & 20+ Signature Locations Setup Throughout The County

Feb 06, 2024 2:40 am

20+ REC Initiative Signature Stations Available Throughout The County!image

In just one week, 20 Initiative Signature Stations have opened up and there's a lot more coming. These are important stations throughout the County that people can go to during set days and hours to sign the REC Initiative.

Battle Ground & North County:

North County Coffee

Battle Ground Martial Arts Academy

Synsvoll Chiropractic

Bark Ranch

Amboy Hardware


US DIgital

Firmly Planted

Clark County Republican Headquarters

InLight Hyperbarics

True Tech Automotive

HH Building, 7th Av, Suite 105

4317 NE Thurston Way, Suite 140

Goldie's Texas Style BBQ

Frontier Electric of Washington


Limitless America

Camas Cellars

Hidden River Coffee & Roasters

Pasa Chiropractic

Adams Steet Bar and Grill

Coming soon:

Inkablity Printers

CLICK HERE to find a location to sign the Restore Election Confidence Initiative

Non-Citizen Votes In Clark County For 20+ Years in 28 Elections, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Declines To Prosecuteimage

READ the article

This is an outrageous example of how administrative elites are intentionally looking the other way, allowing non-citizens to vote without consequences. Here's the kicker, the detection of this voter fraud case wasn't due to efforts by the Elections Department but rather because the illegal voter unintentionally alerted them, initiating an investigation. In other words, the Auditor would've never discovered this fraud because they don't currently take active measures to find fraudulent ballots or voters.

If approved, the REC initiative would aid the discovery of these illegitimate ballots sooner by mandating the Auditor to take "active measures" to validate voter rolls, preventing voter fraud perpetrated by non-citizens.


The Restore Election Confidence Initiative will:

  1. Chain of Custody: Ensure the security and accurate reporting of ballots to the public from pick up to storage.
  2. Fraud Prevention: Stop illegitimate ballots from being sent out or counted.
  3. Voter Roll Cleanup: Ensure voter rolls are maintained 30 days before mailing out ballots.
  4. Transparency Measures: Install cameras at all drop boxes and processing areas.
  5. Post-Election Audit: A thorough examination after every presidential election.
  6. Timely Reporting: Provide the majority of results by the end of election day.
  7. Fraud Investigations: Address irregularities promptly and keep the public informed.
  8. Implementation Deadline: Ensure all measures are in place before the next scheduled election and place serious consequences for failure to do so.


Hundreds Signed At Republican Caucus

We're so grateful that we were allowed to set up at the Clark County Republican Caucus this last Saturday. With an estimate of 500-700 in attendance, we were able to get 400+ signatures. Even better was the chance to educate many of the PCOs and Republicans about the REC Initiative and get more volunteers signed up and hundreds more initiative sheets distributed.

Want To Be An Initiative Signature Location? CLICK HERE to email to let us know


Click HERE To Give To REC Initiative Effort


ICYMI: Restore Election Confidence Initiative Filed In Clark County

It'll come as no shock to many, that we've got a serious problem in Clark County —our recent election saw a dismal 26% turnout. What's more concerning? The lack of urgency from the folks at the top—the Auditor, County Council, and State officials. As a result, I've filed a new petition with the Clark County Auditor because the people have the final say and there are times when it falls in our hands to do something when our officials refuse to act.

Beyond the low turnout, the dismissive attitude of those in power brings us to this point. This year the County Council approved a $4.4 million request from the Auditor, despite valid concerns from the community and a promise to investigate issues raised. Also, Auditor Kimsey's response involved a misleading statement that has resulted in an ethics complaint adding to the growing mistrust. On both sides of the political aisle, many have expressed serious election security concerns that have lingered to the point that confidence in Clark County's electoral processes is hanging by a thread.

After careful review, with several attorneys, members of the Clark County Election Integrity Team, and Bill Bruch, WA GOP Chair of the State's Election Integrity Committee, the initiative submitted will address these core issues:

  1. Chain of Custody: Ensure the security and accurate reporting of ballots to the public from pick up to storage.
  2. Fraud Prevention: Stop illegitimate ballots from being sent out or counted.
  3. Voter Roll Cleanup: Ensure voter rolls are maintained 30 days before mailing out ballots.
  4. Transparency Measures: Install cameras at all drop boxes and processing areas.
  5. Post-Election Audit: A thorough examination after every presidential election.
  6. Timely Reporting: Provide the majority of results by the end of election day.
  7. Fraud Investigations: Address irregularities promptly and keep the public informed.
  8. Implementation Deadline: Ensure all measures are in place before the next scheduled election and place serious consequences for failure to do so.


WATCH: Podcast with Mike Terry

Mike Terry, founder of Washington State's "Patriots United", discusses his early beginnings as a collegiate student-athlete that lead to his foundational work in creating his non-profit organization. Mike, an energetic and passionate leader, explains the details of his organization's focus on election integrity, school boards, and medical freedom. He shares unique experiences and challenges as well as recent successes to restoring traditional American values and integrity in his home state of Washington.

If you are interested, curious, considering or just know someone who could be a good candidate for an elected office, reach out because we need to find people NOW to run in next year's elections. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME

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Paid for by Reform Clark County

With Permission of the Restore Election Confidence Initiative Committee
