Candidates For County & State Taking Shape - ONLY 30 DAYS LEFT For The Restore Election Confidence Initiative

Apr 27, 2024 1:35 am


30 days left to collect signatures to get the Restore Election Confidence Initiative on the November ballot.

Click HERE to find one of the 40+ locations in Clark County to sign

Click HERE to volunteer

Click HERE to support the REC Initiative

Chuck Keplar Endorsed And Running For Clark County Council District 3image

Chuck Keplar might seem like an ordinary guy, but his impact goes beyond the surface. In 2023, he ran for the Evergreen School Board, defying expectations by spending less than $1,500 yet securing an impressive 46% of the vote, coming close to unseating an incumbent. His dedication is evident in his strong stance on creating safer neighborhoods and reducing the tax burden for working families in Clark County.

Beyond his political endeavors, Chuck is a devoted father to eight children, six of whom are foster kids. He also contributes to the community by coaching football and has served as an associate pastor at EastPark Church, where he remains an active member.

Chuck is gearing up for another campaign, targeting D3 voters who are eager for a Councilor who prioritizes their interests over bureaucratic agendas. Contrary to Councilor Bowerman, Chuck promises to oppose new taxes, explore avenues for spending cuts, help get more SRO's (Sheriff Resource Officers) in schools and vigorously oppose tolls and frivolous expenditures.

For More info or to support Chuck go to


Pete Serrano and Dale Whitaker Endorsed For State Positionsimage

Dale Whitaker shares how he plans to win as Secretary of State. From the WA Convention... for more info go to

Spokane, WA — Dale Whitaker, an accomplished businessman, announces that he has received the Republican endorsement for the position of Secretary of State in the upcoming elections. This significant endorsement was officially confirmed at the recent party convention held in Spokane on Saturday, April 20th winning with an incredible 64% of the vote. With a distinguished career in business and financial management, Dale brings a wealth of expertise and a fresh perspective to the role of Secretary of State.

Pete Serrano (pictured above) discussed his unanimous state endorsement and outlined his vision to bring justice back to Washington State as the Attorney General. Additionally, Pete is spearheading the legal proceedings with Gator Guns, who achieved a victory on appeal that was promptly halted by the WA State Supreme Court Commissioner. The Commissioner's defensive conduct during a bizarre hearing raised eyebrows and drew attention to the case.

To find out more about Pete, go to

Hannah Joy Endorsed For WA St Rep 17LDimage

Hannah Joy spoke to the Clark County Republicans Thursday night about the 17th LD race. Recently, a judge's decision scrambled many Legislative districts in Washington which included the 17th. Last run, the CCRP didn't support her as much and she lost a close race to Kevin Waters.

For more info go to


ICYMI: League of Women Voters Are Not Happy, Looking To Rewrite History


When the REC initiative first launched, The Columbian wrote a story, and the LWV Vice President contributed by, without any serious review or meaningful analysis, declaring they didn't support the REC. They went on to make a very partisan comment that "The League has confidence in our election system and our election administrators here in Clark County, and we believe that election systems should prioritize equal access for voters." Shortly after this statement, I reached out to "The League" and invited them to a discussion, mentioning that I was surprised they would offer such a snap decision without even engaging me. Over a month went by before I finally heard back from the President of the Clark County chapter. We had a very nice conversation but she brought up their concern that, because I mentioned them by name in the "whereas" section, people might think LWV supports the initiative. I told them the statement on the initiative can't be changed but I could be open to making a clarifying statement. This week I received the above letter, and here's my reply that I sent to them. Also, here is my statement that I will post on the REC page:


The League of Women Voters, as an overall organization, has made statements of concern about election vulnerabilities, and the statement in the Restore Election Confidence Initiative is accurate: "Whereas, significant numbers of voters from both political parties and the League of Women Voters have voiced concern over election vulnerabilities." However, any interpretation that the League of Women Voters somehow supports the Restore Election Confidence Initiative is not intended.

Statement for the League of Women Voters of the United States and the League of Women Voters of the District of Columbia 

US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability 

June 7, 2023

"The League agrees with the statement of the Chairmen when they announced this hearing: “Congress needs to get serious about election integrity and implement a comprehensive plan to restore confidence in America’s electoral process."


Get tickets HERE for the Patriot United Event June 20th




(The NEW individual limit is $10,000)


Check out ALL the locations HERE


Paid for by Reform Clark County

With Permission of the Restore Election Confidence Initiative Committee for some content
