9 Quality Gurus: Their Contributions and Impact on Quality Management

Dec 15, 2022 12:19 am

I am writing to inform you that we have created a new post on our website that summarizes the contributions of the nine quality gurus. These individuals are widely recognized as pioneers and experts in the field of quality management, and their works have profoundly impacted the development of quality management principles and practices. 

Our post provides a brief overview of the key contributions of each guru, including their key theories, ideas, and methods. It is intended as a helpful summary for anyone preparing for an ASQ, IASSC, or PMP exam, or for anyone interested in learning more about the foundations of quality management. 

Please visit our website at https://www.qualitygurus.com/9-quality-gurus-and-their-contributions/ to access the post.


We hope you find this information useful. 


Sandeep Kumar

