Root Cause Analysis Bootcamp [Early Birds Sale]

Nov 20, 2020 3:15 am


I am pleased to announce my latest course on Udemy - "Root Cause Analysis and 8D Problem Solving Bootcamp".

The first 100 students get this course for just $9.99 or the lowest local price permitted by Udemy.

In this course I cover four broad strategies or approaches for Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and problem-solving:

1. Five Why's

2. Cause and Effect Diagram

3. A3 Problem Solving Approach

4. Eight Disciplines or 8D Problem Solving Approach

Depending upon the complexity of the problem you can choose one of these approaches.

While taking these approaches, there are many tools and techniques which could be applied. I will cover many such tools, for example:

1. Seven Basic Quality Tools (Cause and Effect Analysis, Flow Chart, Check Sheet, Pareto Chart, Scatter Plot, Control Charts and Histograms)

2. Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Mode, Median, Range and Standard Deviation)

3. Graphs and Charts (Box and Whisker Plot, Individual Value Plot, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Bubble Chart, Matrix Plot, and Time Series)

4. Value Stream Mapping

5. Tools for D1 (Establish the Team): Team Roles, Team Stages, Conflict Management and Negative Team Behaviors

6. Tools for D2 (Describe the Problem): 5W2H, SIPOC, Gemba Walk and Stakeholder Analysis

7. Tools for D3 (Interim Containment): Identification and Traceability

8. Tools for D4 (Root Cause Analysis): Brainstorming, Nominal Group Technique and Affinity Diagram

9. Tools for D5 (Develop CA): Poka-yoke, Force Field Analysis, Control Plan and Benefit-Cost Analysis

10. Tools for D6 (Implement CA): Gantt Chart, RACI Matrix, Reports and Dashboard

11. Tools for D7 (Prevent Recurrence): FMEA

If you want to master the topic of Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving, join this course now.

The first 100 students get this course for just $9.99 or the lowest local price permitted by Udemy.

I hope to see you in the course.

Sandeep Kumar
