Multiple Regression with Minitab : A Deep Dive

Sep 01, 2020 11:28 pm

*** New Course *** First 100 students get it for $9.99 or the lowest price in local currency ***

Hey ,

I am pleased to announce the release of my first "deep dive" course:

Multiple Regression with Minitab: A Deep Dive.

In this course, we will start with simple linear regression. Then we will discuss the nonlinear polynomial regression, bias-variance tradeoff, feature selection using approaches such as forward selection, backward elimination or stepwise. Next, we will identify outliers in the data and we will test the model using techniques such as splitting the data, K Fold and Leave one out cross-validation, and in the end, we will use the regression model to predict the response based on given inputs.

Once we complete the course, we will do a project work to create a model to predict medical insurance based on age, BMI and gender, etc.

(Limited Coupons)

If you are ready to take a deep dive, take a deep and long breath and buy this course. I will see you at the shore, I mean, inside the course to explore the hidden beauty of regression analysis.

Sandeep Kumar

PS: The Git Mindset [2020]: An intuitive introduction to Git is still available on early birds discount. Please check the reviews from other students who joined the course. (Only 40 Coupons Left)

This course is designed to help you gain the Git Mindset. Using mechanisms like storytelling, hands-on-labs and quizzes, you'll gain a deep intuition about Git. To take this course, you don't need any prior knowledge. By the end of the course, you'll truly understand Git and you'll be able to use it like it's second nature.

The course uses a story to explain not only what Git does, but also how it does those things and why it was designed that way.

Early birds offer:

For the next 5 days get this course at the lowest possible price on Udemy using the below link:

