Git Version Control + Regression Courses on Sale

Oct 14, 2020 7:58 pm


I have two pairs of course-launch announcements to make. All four of these courses are available today for just $9.99 or the lowest possible price in local currency.

Git - Distributed Version Control: [$9.99 Sale]

1. Gitting started [2020]: Learn Git and Github in 2 hours!

2. The Git Mindset [2020]: An intuitive deep-dive into Git

Regression Using Minitab 19: [$9.99 Sale]

3. Mastering Multiple Regression with Minitab: A Deep-dive

4. Binary Logistic Regression with Minitab: A Deep Dive

1. Gitting started [2020]: Learn Git and Github in 2 hours!

This course is going to give you a solid introduction to both Git and Github, all in the time it takes to watch a movie.

Note: This course is up-to-date and uses the newer commands (switch and restore) introduced in Git 2.23.

We have designed this course to make the most of your limited time by cutting out any unnecessary theory and diving right into using Git. The course is very hands-on and guides you through using Git and Github effectively. It supplements the video courses with quizzes to further solidify your knowledge. [$9.99 Sale]


2. The Git Mindset [2020]: An intuitive deep-dive into Git (The Highest Rated Course with 4.9-Star Rating)

This course is designed to help you gain The Git Mindset. Using mechanisms like storytelling, hands-on-labs and quizzes, you'll gain a deep intuition about Git. To follow this course, you don't need any prior knowledge.

The course uses a story to explain not only what Git does, but also how it does those things and why it was designed that way.

Here are some initial reviews:

"I like how the internals of Git are explained through the story of a developer, it is much easier to understand"

"This course was a great match for me, as I was comfortable using git, but lacked knowledge on why it works a specific way or how it works."

Join this course today at the Udemy's lowest possible price using the below link: [$9.99 Sale]


3. Mastering Multiple Regression with Minitab: A Deep-dive

In this course, I will teach you one of the most commonly used analytical techniques: Regression Analysis.

I will use Minitab 19 to perform the analysis. The focus of my teaching will be on explaining the concepts, analyzing and interpreting the results of the analysis.

The following concepts are covered in this course:

  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Multiple Regression
  • Nonlinear Regression (Polynomial)
  • Bias Variance Trade-off
  • Selecting features using Best Subsets and Stepwise selection approaches
  • Identifying Outliers
  • Training and Test Data - Validation set approach, Leave one out cross-validation and K-Fold Validation.
  • Predicting Response
  • Project Work - Medical Insurance Charges

If you are interested in taking your understanding of this topic to the next level, then click the below link and join the course.

[$9.99 Sale]


4. Binary Logistic Regression with Minitab: A Deep Dive

In this course, I will teach you one of the most commonly used classification techniques: Binary Logistic Regression.

I will use Minitab 19 to perform the analysis. The focus of my teaching will be on explaining the concepts and on analyzing and interpreting the results of the analysis.

The following concepts are covered in this course:

  • The purpose of Binary Logistic Regression
  • The concept of Odds and ln(Odds)
  • Logistic Regression Equation
  • Odds Ratio
  • Confusion Matrix
  • Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve
  • R-Squared in context of Logistic Regression
  • Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of Fit Test
  • Project work to practice all the above concepts

If you are interested in taking your understanding of this topic to the next level, then click the below link and join the course. [ $9.99 Sale]



Sandeep Kumar
