A recent malware hack on an old webserver of mine led me to reexamine the systems and tools I use to run my day-to-day business. What systems do I directly control and what systems are more or less under the control of others? Is there … Investing i...

Nothing Matters More Right Now than R.O.I. (return on investment). This applies to everything – money, time, personal energy, etc. Personally, I spent the last few months doing the work I tend to put off. Why? It all comes back to ROI. Sometimes the...

The other day I sat down the help someone plan out their online business strategy and in the process, I found myself approaching the planning process a little bit differently than I have in the past. For example, it’s easy to recognize the things you...

I think it’s good to recognize the challenges that most business owners face on today’s road to success. Marketplaces are overcrowded. There are masses of people who, at least on the surface, appear to more or less be doing the same thing you’re doin...

Is there such a thing as must-have software for a digital business? Sort of… but I have a few different ways of approaching that question. Many options fit into the low-tech or high-tech categories. Today, I’ll be sharing one of my favorite “mid-tech...

I believe optimism or pessimism plays a bigger role in our entrepreneurial pursuits and business decision-making processes than most of us realize. Just the other day I was talking a group of people and pointing out how we lean one way or the other a...

Today I want to talk a little bit about thinking and planning like a Solopreneur The next 90-days will be critical to a lot of businesses out there. The visual that comes to mind is musical chairs. Each round of play involves the removal of … Think...

In today’s podcast, I’ll be answering a handful of questions that I’ve received over the past few months. Are you having problems finding your “ideal client?” Are you finding it difficult juggling too many responsibilities in your business? A few yea...

In today’s podcast, I’ll be answering a handful of questions that I’ve received over the past few months. Are you having problems finding your “ideal client?” Are you finding it difficult juggling too many responsibilities in your business? A few yea...

Earlier this year, Lori and I faced our own business crisis. During the fourth quarter of 2019, we’d planned to open a new, startup eCommerce business. This required quite a bit of planning and preparation. Our thinking back in November of 2019 was t...
Hi ,This is Jim Galiano from last week’s Motivational Summit. I hope you enjoyed my talk – Motivational Mastery: Confessions of a 22-Year Online Business Veteran.Here’s the link in case you weren’t able to listen to the complete session (or would lik...
Hello Friends,I wanted to share a few helpful thoughts, insights and strategies with you below...Here's my update for June 6th, 2020...🗒️ How Layers of Complexity Can Ruin Your BusinessIt’s one thing to struggle. It’s another to struggle unnecessaril...
Hi there,I wanted to share a few pieces of content with you that could give you a little "boost" if you're in a place where you can use one.Below are links to my last two weekly updates for May 13th and May 20th, 2020...🗒️ Business Challenges and Fac...