It’s one thing to struggle. It’s another to struggle unnecessarily. Building a digital business requires time and effort – even in a good economy and under the best circumstances. There are shortcuts you can take, that’s true. Finding those shortcuts...
It’s one thing to struggle. It’s another to struggle unnecessarily. Building a digital business requires time and effort – even in a good economy and under the best circumstances. There are shortcuts you can take, that’s true. Finding those shortcuts...
Years ago, I dreamed of starting my own business. For me, the primary motive was freedom from the 9-5 grind. I didn’t have the best attitude in the very beginning. Truth be told, I hated working a “job.” In the back of my mind, I … Build It with Fre...
Will your plans, strategies, and pursuits change as the economy starts to reboot – post-shutdown? Depending upon the industry, some businesses have lost between one and a half to two months’ worth of income since March. Depending upon the overhead, y...
All business involves risk. The fact that you’ve started a business is a sure sign that you’re a risk-taker at heart. Many people, myself included, like to think of ourselves as being “fearless.” We can point to different times and instances in life...
The late Zig Ziglar once wrote, “You’ve got to be before you can do and do before you can have. In short, you have to be a person of character and do the right things, and then you can have the things you really want.” … Getting the Success You’re A...
As the economy of my own hometown begins to reopen, it appears that people are still divided on “what comes next” with the economy and business. Even the experts in the world of health and finance seem divided. So where does that leave you? Do … Is...
Today I wanted to share a talk I recently recorded on the topic of motivation. Motivation is like the kindling to a fire. At times it can fuel your efforts to the point where even the toughest work brings with it a sense of satisfaction … How Do You...
When I started my online business 20+ years ago, I didn’t have a business plan. I sold products and services. The plan was basically to do more of both. I didn’t have a “model” or “blueprint” like I encourage people to have today. I just … A Simple,...
What comes next? Should you go back to your focusing on selling your service? Maybe you need to freshen up your services? Or, maybe you need to combine them differently? You want to get a feel for what’s happening around you. From there, ask yourself...