August Feng Shui chart, and dare to be yourself

Jul 27, 2022 1:36 am


Dear friends,

This summer, the weather is overly hot in many parts of the world. The food and energy prices stay unusually high. The Covid variants still linger in our communities. We are all stressed and tired in the world of uncertainty.

The best thing we can do is to be our true selves. There are no more models we have to follow. Rules can be broken, and changes are welcome.

No matter what happens in the current world, we can be happy if we follow our hearts and do not worry too much about other people's expectations or criticism. Embrace our uniqueness, flaws, quirkiness, and all. Accept ourselves and live everyday life to reflect the best of who we are.

What are your big dreams since childhood? We do not need permission to be ourselves and there is no time to waste. Write down your bucket lists and start planning.

It is difficult for many people to just be themselves. We tend to put other people's opinions first, so we are safe and accepted. Now the world is changing dramatically, it is more important to develop our uniqueness and live the way we want. Celebrate differences and be your true self. You will have no regrets.


Below are our YouTube videos from July, including the Flying Star Feng Shui for August. North and Northwest are the 2 best directions in August. Spend more time in these 2 sectors to activate luck.

Southwest and Center can be prone to illness or accidents. Set up metal Feng Shui cures in these areas to reduce stars 2 and 5.

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Have a wonderful August!

Shih-tien Wu

🏮 Link to the Amazon page for our picks of Feng Shui cures and enhancers:

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