Happy winter holidays! Thank you for being part of our community.

Dec 24, 2022 2:15 am


Dear healer friends,

Merry Christmas and happy winter holidays! I hope you stay warm and healthy despite the cold weather and all the lingering viruses.

Here are some of our recent YouTube videos. The links to our 2023 Feng Shui planner are at the bottom of this email.

2023 I-Ching forecast number 37 hexagram - Family


The I-Ching yearly forecast is based on the "Huang Ji Jing Shi" book from ancient China.

Click here to watch.

January 2023 flying star feng shui analysis - fighting energy, illness, and Yin spirit.


For January 2023, there is a lot of fighting energy in the East, Southeast, and Northeast. Southwest has a special star combination indicating the Yin type of spirit (ghost?).

Click here to watch.

2023 lunar new year important lucky dates - opening for business, Tai Sui setup, money altar


This video shows important dates for removing and setting up a Tai Sui altar, Setting up a money altar, Opening for business, Visiting a temple, House cleaning, and Praying/Meditating around the lunar new year of 2023, the year of Rabbit.

Click here to watch.

2023 Feng Shui for Wealth and Career Luck, and our 2023 Feng Shui Planner


The 2023 lucky directions for wealth and career advancement include South, North, Southwest, West, and Center. The best money directions for 2023 include South (star 8) and North (star 9).

Click here to watch.


*Free 2023 Feng Shui download and the first 2 weeks of January Feng Shui calendar: https://sendfox.com/lp/m85p9v

📕 The paperback version of our 2023 Feng Shui planner & calendar is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/2023-Feng-Shui-Planner-Calendar/dp/B0BMYNY18R

📕 The digital PDF version of the 2023 Feng Shui Planner and calendar can be purchased here: https://picturehealer.com/2023-feng-shui-planner-and-calendar

🏮 Link to our Amazon page for our picks of Feng Shui cures and enhancers: https://www.amazon.com/shop/picturehealer

(This is the affiliated page for your shopping convenience. We might earn a small fee for qualified purchases).


I really appreciate all your support for the Picturehealer YouTube channel. We have just reached 50K subscribers. That is more than I could imagine since I started a few years ago. I will keep learning and sharing more Feng Shui and fortune-telling ideas in the future. Thank you so much for being part of our community!


Shih-tien Wu


Picturehealer YouTube channel
