March's monthly Feng Shui and the 2022 annual Flying Star Feng Shui setup

Mar 03, 2022 4:27 am


As the Covid case numbers have become lower and less serious recently, I hope your life is getting back to somewhat normal. In New York, kids are not required to wear masks at school anymore. We are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

On the other hand, I can not believe there is a war going on in this modern and civilized world. This is a man-made disaster, not only hurting one country but affecting the whole world. I don't know which one is worse, the pandemic or one person's greedy mind.

Prayers for all the ordinary people in distress. May justice prevail and suffering end soon.

Our recent videos are linked below. There are many different ways to set up your Feng Shui. Use the charts as a reference only. Don't get too caught up in the confusing details. Just trust your intuition. You are in charge!

March 2022 Monthly Flying Star Feng Shui Analysis for the Year of Tiger


Click here to read more

2022 Feng Shui setup with the annual Flying Star chart - a simplified summary


Click here to read more

2022 Activating Peach Blossom Luck for Love, Relationships, Popularity, and Baby luck


Click here to read more

2022 Tiger Year Feng Shui by 8 house directions - House Chart + Yearly Flying Star Chart


Click here to read more


Our 2022 Feng Shui Planner and Calendar digital version is available here:

** The paperback of our 2022 Feng Shui Planner is available on Amazon here:

Link to our Amazon page for our picks of Feng Shui cures and enhancers:

(This is an affiliated link, and we earn a small fee for qualified purchases. Thank you.)


Shih-tien Wu
