Free January 2021 Feng Shui calendar download and our latest Feng Shui videos

Dec 18, 2020 3:13 am

Dear friends,

It is almost 2021, a brand-new beginning. We have a free Feng Shui calendar download for the month of January. It has information about daily lucky activities, directions, and affected animal signs. The full version (January 2021 to February 2022) will be available for purchase very soon. We are going to have a paperback version on Amazon and a digital PDF download on the website. Click the button below for a free January 2021 calendar download.

January calendar download

The latest videos:

🎥 2021 Feng Shui for Health, and the 4-Corner Gods


How to set up Feng Shui for good health in 2021. Focus on the 5 Yellow (Southeast) and 2 Black stars (North) in the annual Flying Star Feng Shui chart.

Watch for San Sha (3 Killings) in the East, and the Li Shi (the Law Enforcer) in the Northeast.

Click here to read more

🎥 2021 Feng Shui calendar and date selection + Free January 2021 Download


How to select an auspicious date based on the traditional Feng Shui lunar calendar?

Click here to read more


*Link to the 2021 I-Ching consultation/reading:

*Link to our Amazon page for Feng Shui cures and enhancers:

(Affiliated links — We get a small percentage without extra cost to you)

Link to the shop


Thank you for all the support this year. Looking forward to a year of abundance and prosperity in 2021.

Shih-tien Wu
