July feng shui newsletter, monthly chart analysis, and recent videos

Jul 03, 2021 7:04 pm


Dear ,

I can not believe we are at the mid-point of the year. It is not an easy year with the uncertainty of pandemics. I fell behind on many projects, including the I-Ching as a fortune-telling book I was hoping to finish by now.

Mid-year is a good time to look back and plan ahead. There will be delays and detours, but if we follow the right direction and do not give up, we will reach where we want to be eventually.

Below are some recent Feng Shui videos from the Picturehealer YouTube channel. I appreciate all your support and positive comments.

Have a great July 4th weekend!

🎥 Travel Feng Shui planning and tips


How to plan for a safe and lucky trip with Feng Shui.

Click here to watch the video

🎥 7 Tips for enhancing spiritual growth with Feng Shui


7 tips to enhance your spiritual growth with Feng Shui.

Click here to watch the video

🎥 July 2021 Flying Star Feng Shui combination chart analysis


Here is the monthly Flying Star Feng Shui chart analysis for July 2021, combining the Period 8 chart and yearly chart.

The best area is in the center, the same as last month.

Click here to watch the video

🎥 Office Feng Shui - design a mindful workspace


Designing a good feng shui office starts with a clear intention.

Know what you like to achieve and where you are right now.

Click here to watch the video

🎥 Garden Design with Feng Shui


How to design a balanced Feng Shui garden, back yard, or balcony.

Click here to watch the video


Shih-tien Wu


avatar Vholet damatan
Best date in putting up an altar this july 2021