September Feng Shui and Happy Moon Festival!

Aug 25, 2022 2:35 pm


Dear friends,

How's your August going? It seems small problems in the past have accumulated into bigger issues all at once. We finally have to replace the leaky roof and some broken appliances in the house.

In the traditional Feng Shui calendar, there are some dates marked as "inauspicious for any major festive events", but are actually great for repairing walls, buildings, or seeing a doctor. August is like that. Many problems become hard to ignore anymore, and this is a great time to fix them once and for all.

September's Feng Shui chart shows a lot of conflicting energy in the East, West, Southeast, and even Northeast. There will be more tension and stress, but try to focus on long-term peace and harmony.

The best direction in September is the North. This is also a great sector for students because of the stars 1- 4 combination.

Watch our recent videos below to learn more about Feng Shui.

September 2022 Flying Star Feng Shui Analysis and Suggestions


Click here to read more

The Fu Yin / Fan Yin Formation and August 2022 Flying Star Chart


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Increase luck with the 12 animal signs and compatible relationships charts


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Find your lucky 5 elements (and lucky numbers/colors) from personal history


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Have a great September and enjoy the Moon Festival (September 10th)!

Shih-tien Wu


*Link to the Amazon page for our picks of Feng Shui cures and enhancers:

(This contains affiliated links for your shopping convenience. We may earn a commission for the qualified purchase.)
