August Feng Shui and the Zhong Yuan Festival

Jul 29, 2024 12:40 am


Dear friends,

Below is the link to the August Flying Star Feng Shui video. For the slides, please visit under the Blog.

August has more intense conflicting energy (Sword-fight combination...) and power struggles between males and females than July.

This month is often called "ghost month," when spirits might show their existence in our lives. During the "Zhong Yuan Festival," which falls on lunar July 15, it is recommended to offer food and prayers. Take caution when traveling during this month.

The best direction is Northwest in August. When possible, choosing this direction will bring extra luck.

August 2024 Flying Star Feng Shui Analysis


Click here for more.


I'm reducing video uploads and taking a break while I visit my family during my travels. At the same time, we are gathering information for 2025, the year of the Snake. We will continue the monthly Feng Shui of September around late August. Any Feng Shui consultation through our website will resume in September.

Thank you for understanding, and have a wonderful August!


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