📩 Ramadan Mubarak, {{contact.first_name}}! Tuesday Thoughts incoming (28st Mar 23)

Mar 28, 2023 11:41 am


Ramadan Mubarak, !

The Islamic month of fasting has already begun! Apologies for another late email this week but Sunday was spent with a great podcast guest, which meant very little time to actually write the email. What have you been up to? Drop me an email and let me know!

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Weekly Summary

*Apologies in advance - this was written over several sittings when I got a chance at work and may feel a bit disjointed*

I'm writing this with about 25 mins to go before I break fast but I am (as always) stuck at work. Today was meant to be an easier day but alas a friend had a last minute emergency and I decided to help out...

This past week has been just an exercise in getting in to the rhythm of the Ramadan timetable. Currently, it's pretty good with the fast starting just before 6am and finishing around 7:30pm. Essentially not too different to a normal work day wake up. When the daylight savings kicks in however, it'll mean a REALLY early start.

I do plan on raising funds again this year but I have to give some priorities to the essentials and hence things are delayed. More on that over on the blog...

Continue reading on the blog


Creative update

It's another week of relatively little creative output. Here's a couple of snippets from instagram including my wine box unboxing. I don't drink, but can appreciate good packaging when I see it! 🤣


Brought to you by...


Ecovacs Deebot

I've got the older model of this in black and I LOVE it! For the price, it's one of the best robovacs out there. Mine is integrated with Google Assistant and I still get a buzz asking Google to clean the house and my robovac starts up!

This model has a lidar unit so it'll accurately map your house which you can then add virtual boundaries to and designate vacuum vs mop zones. There's many more expensive models with docks, cameras and the like but in terms of value for money, I don't think there's a better one out there right now.


Click Here!





This drone could change everything

This was actually a pretty impressive video about technology ALREADY being used in the field and have a huge impact. The crazy thing is, this video isn't based in US or China but in AFRICA. Not somewhere I associate normally with this sort of devices!

Watch now!


Quote I'm pondering

“I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”
— Mark Twain

This quote came up at the end of the group dinner last night and in a world where everything seems to be terrifying, it was a great way to recalibrate. Could banks fail? Could there be war? Could global warming threaten things everywhere?

All possible, but we're not there yet. I think as a species we seemed to have worked ourselves up to a certain fervour and convinced ourselves of all things doom and gloom. Now all those worries maybe valid but it's also valid that they haven't come to pass.

The context of this was after hours of debate, we concluded that while lots could go wrong, we could catch up as a group of friends and enjoy a delicious meal and generally enjoy soe great moments. The worries would make you think that moments like these never happen...

With that, I bid the adios for another week!

- Raffy

PS - You've read til down here?! Thank you! As a superfan, I'd love to know your opinion. Let me know with 1 click!


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