Instagram LogoSunflowers are beautiful, but their origin myth contains spurned love and stalker level adoration. In some versions, there's even a live burial involved.  Bet you didn't think that's where this post was going lol  Basically, the sun god Helios got himself into a bit of a love triangle. He messed around with a water nymph who fell madly in love with him, while he himself fell in love with a mortal. Talk about a recipe for disaster!   Like most love triangles, the story devolved into a jealous mess. The nymph tattled to the mortal's father about his daughter's affair with the sun god. Her father's only logical option was to….bury her alive? Glad I didn't live in the times of these myths!  Some say that the sun god turned his mortal lover into a sunflower, sprouting from the dirt in which she was buried.  She could live on like this, watching him lovingly, but never getting to hold him again. Tragic love was a common theme in Greek mythology, unfortunately.  Others say that after the mortal died, the sun god shunned the water nymph. She fell into despair, refusing to eat or drink for nine long days. She pined for the sun god, watching him pull the sun across the sky each day, but never seeing him in the flesh again. Eventually, her body transformed, growing roots and flowers that would follow the trail of the sun forever.  Technically, this myth is about the heliotrope flower, but most people link it to sunflowers now. Either way, I'm making a mental note that love triangles with the gods should be avoided lol #greekmythology #mythology #mythologymonday #helios #sunflower #heliotrope