The Left’s Fascination With Junk Science

By Rachel Alexander No matter how much evidence emerges showing that the earth naturally goes through cooling and warming phases, the left refuses to acknowledge even the possibility of these factors. The Left’s Fascination With Junk Science

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May 16, 2021
Patriot Housewives: The Dumbing Down Of Society

By Rebecca Horvath and Rose Taylor The Housewives are back and tackling everything from travel bans and gas lines to the most recent Biden lies and ridiculous headlines. Patriot Housewives: The Dumbing Down Of Society

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May 14, 2021
Is America a Nation of Laws?

By Jeff Davidson For five years running, a variety of laws broken by top officials of our federal agencies have gone unpunished. Is America a Nation of Laws?

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May 12, 2021
Crypto: Where Are We Going With Dollars

By Dr. Christopher W. Smithmyer Crypto is good for the little guy - the big corporations and banks don't have control of it yet. Fortunes will be made or lost on the crypto markets. Crypto: Where Are We Going With Dollars

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May 11, 2021
Compelling Case for Article V Convention of States

By John Jackson Every state gets only one vote but can send as many delegates as they wish. So, while California and New York might get into a shouting match with the other state delegates, they have no electoral power to determine the outcome. Compe...

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May 09, 2021
The Mask Police Are Coming and You’re Next!

By Vic Alper Gone are the days of freedom of worship and freedom to make one's own choices regarding dress or medical treatment. Soon will come the day in which employment, classes in school, travel and a myriad of other formally considered normal ac...

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May 09, 2021