Corrupt Congress Critter Chronicles

There’s been no shortage of news lately about lawmakers in Washington taking ethical short-cuts and bordering on corruption.  We start with the usual, and end with the unusual. There’s always a steady stream of stories about congressional representat...

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Apr 28, 2023
Biden EPA Gives Major Handout To Big Corn

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued an emergency waiver to allow a higher-grade of ethanol fuel be sold over the summer, a major win for the Midwestern corn industry. The EPA granted similar emergency waivers last year, allowing the sale...

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Apr 28, 2023
Green Manufacturing Boom Will Lead to Dangerous Bust

“America is Back in the Factory Business” declared a recent Wall Street Journal headline.   On its face, this should be good news. Investments in expanding manufacturing capacity are a sure sign of a strong economy. Moreover, bringing more manufactur...

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Apr 28, 2023