Cold Call Email Marketing: Boost Your Outreach

Dear , Please tell me that I am not the only person who receives generic emails stating how they have reviewed my website and found it lacking. A week later, I received another email that they were still awaiting a reply. Guess what? They can keep wa...

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Apr 25, 2024
Balancing Work and Family on the Go

Are you thriving amidst the challenges and triumphs of your professional journey?As I write, I find myself in the vibrant city of Chicago this week, knee-deep in client meetings and warmly welcoming a new addition to our team. Later this morning, my...

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Feb 08, 2024
The Power of THINK

THINK before you speak or type! This acronym reminds us to be Thoughtful, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, and Kind in our communication. In a fast-paced world, it's a guide to navigate interactions with empathy. Elevate your conversations, create posi...

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Nov 29, 2023
Is LinkedIn Becoming Irrelevant for Nonprofits?

To harness the full potential of LinkedIn, your nonprofit should commit to regular posting, engaging with your network, and participating in relevant discussions. The post Is LinkedIn Becoming Irrelevant for Nonprofits? appeared first on Olinda Serv...

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Oct 23, 2023
Nonprofit Software Solutions

Discover the power of nonprofit software solutions in our comprehensive guide. Explore how to navigate the software landscape, make informed choices, and amplify your impact today. The post Nonprofit Software Solutions appeared first on Olinda Servic...

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Sep 12, 2023
Navigating New Job Overwhelm in the Non-Profit Industry

Navigating New Job Overwhelm in the Non-Profit Industry: Tips for Success Introduction Starting a new job in the non-profit sector can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, but it often comes with its fair share of challenges and overwhelming mom...

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Sep 06, 2023
Sowing Positive Seeds

Sowing Positive Seeds: The Power of Helping Others and Making a Difference As human beings, we have the innate desire to help others. It’s a feeling that we can all relate to. We want to be able to make a positive impact in someone else’s life, wheth...

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Apr 17, 2023
Unveiling the Elusive Facts of Cybersecurity

As companies worldwide strive to protect their data and networks, cybersecurity has become an increasingly important topic. The reports provide an overview of the industry's current state, examining key challenges and offering insight into how organi...

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Dec 09, 2022