Are you coming too?

Hi Childcare & Education Expo Midlands 2024 I'm speaking at Childcare & Education Expo Midlands this year and I am talking all about... babies! What a surprise! My talk is entitled, "Bibs Cribs and Desperate to Learn". And it's on Friday 27th...

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Aug 13, 2024
Thanks for sticking with me!

Thank you for sticking with me . I know you know I’ve launched my Unlock the Magic of Learning course this week because I have literally emailed you every day 😂 and I appreciate you sticking around!  This is your absolutely last chance to...

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Apr 24, 2024
I never say this phrase anymore…

“Am I doing this parenting thing right? Am I doing the best I can for my baby?”As a first-time mum, I used to look at my new baby excited by the potential that was all wrapped up inside her. But one thought kept creeping in: Am I doing enough, a...

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Apr 19, 2024
I wish I'd had this when I was a first-time parent!

Yesterday I posted this video on my social channels. (check it out here). It talked about the need I had as a first-time mum to go beyond learning to get a baby out safely and to learn how to help my baby sleep through the night. I needed and really...

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Mar 17, 2024
5 Ways to Stimulate Your Baby's Learning in the Womb

Did you know you can help your baby’s development even before they are born?! Don’t wait until they arrive to start doing things with them and for them. They will thank you later! Here are 5 simple ways to support their development during pregn...

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Jul 27, 2023