Exciting Oliiki news! PLEASE READ

Jun 17, 2022 1:00 am


It's been ages! I hope all is well with you!

You're getting this email as you have downloaded the Oliiki Baby Brain Building app at some point in the past.

Drum roll please! 🥁🥁🥁

The exciting news is a shiny NEW LOOK Oliiki app is about to hit the app stores!

It will arrive in the app stores on Monday 20th June.

This means that on Monday the Oliiki app will be out of action for the day while the clever tech team migrate over to the new version.

They hope to be done within a day. I will let you know when it is all up and running again. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

BUT I can't wait for you to see the new version! I think it's rather lovely!

Feel free to get in touch with any questions, thoughts or comments, I always love hearing from you!

Best Wishes

