I never say this phrase anymore…

Apr 19, 2024 6:05 am

“Am I doing this parenting thing right? Am I doing the best I can for my baby?”

As a first-time mum, I used to look at my new baby excited by the potential that was all wrapped up inside her. But one thought kept creeping in: Am I doing enough, am I doing it right? Will she reach her full potential? What SHOULD I be doing to nurture her development?🤔

And then there was the boredom, wondering how to fill the days, especially at the weekend!

Much as she was SO lovely, I constantly felt like I never got the jobs done that I wanted to do.

I also found there was never time for me to just be me, to have a bit of time to myself. And my husband and I seemed to be parenting so differently to each other!

Having learned what I have learned over the last 10 years or so focusing on the science of learning and development in the time from bump to two (and 30 years as a teacher and education researcher) I know, that if I were to do it all again, weekends would be full of simple family fun and they’d be super chilled with time for me and time for us as a couple and I KNOW we’d be SO much more on the same page in our parenting. I KNOW I'd be confident in what I was doing!


I’ve put all the knowledge I’ve gained into the 'Unlock the Magic of Learning from Bump to Two' so you can get results like this too!


And now I’m sharing it with you. It’s going to help you to be well on your way to becoming confident happy first-time parents with a thriving happy child in just a weekend or so!

A number of folks have already bought it and got these results - should I count you in too?


Get Unlock the Magic of Learning Now

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