Build your baby's foundations of success conference.

Sep 20, 2023 5:17 pm

Thank you so much for attending today's conference - Building Your Baby's Foundations of Success.

We so hope you found it really useful. I certainly did, in fact, I was rather blown away as I heard everyone sharing their knowledge how joined up and connected everything is.

I also realised that the more you learn about all of this stuff, the more you realise HOW important the first 1000 days is for our children's development and how much impact we can have as parents and those working with babies in the earliest of days on our children's outcomes which I think is quite exciting!

As we speak, the videos of the day are uploading. I will edit them down so you don't have the logging on and logging off bits to sit through. I will get the recordings and PDFs to you by the end of next week (hopefully sooner) so I can send it all through in one go.

In order to ensure you get that email please confirm your subscription to this email list otherwise your mail may not get delivered. If you don't receive your recording in the next week, please do reach out to me either by return of mail or via and I will forward it on.

We would love to get your feedback about today. I will create a Google form and send it out to you all. If you could possibly fill it in for me it would really help us. From your feedback, we will make improvements and plan other training sessions.

Finally thank you for spending the day (or night) with us. We so appreciate you giving up time in your busy lives to come and learn with us all.

Do please keep in contact and if you make a post about today on any socials, please feel free to tag us in!

Chat soon Clare
