Thanks for sticking with me!

Apr 24, 2024 7:05 pm

Thank you for sticking with me .


I know you know I’ve launched my Unlock the Magic of Learning course this week because I have literally emailed you every day 😂 and I appreciate you sticking around!


This is your absolutely last chance to get Unlock the Magic of Learning Course at the discount price of £19.00. After tonight, the link will expire, the price will go up and I promise normal service of emails with baby brain facts, tips and activities for development will resume.


In case for some reason you have managed to miss every email here’s the stuff you need to know:


  • It’s a 7-module video course: Yours to keep and watch as many times as you need. You’ll get any updates I make over time.
  • The modules are:
  • Understand the importance of the first 1000 days on babies’ development.
  • The impact of stress on your baby’s development
  • Building your parenting journey YOUR way
  • The power of play
  • Your role as a parent, supporting your developing child.
  • A tool to support your parenting journey.
  • A replay of the Live session I carried out with a client after they had tested the course, in it we go MUCH deeper on the learning shared.
  • What Toy When eBook - outlining what toy your baby will enjoy from birth to 7 years.


  • Use the workbook to record your thinking and look back on it over time.


This course builds your confidence as a parent and helps you understand how to support their development through play!

All for just £19.00


Get It Now!

Chat Soon

