ludonarracon sale 💌

May 04, 2023 5:01 pm

hello, it's kc & it's time for ludonarracon!


in case you don't know, ludonarracon is a steam event celebrating narrative games!

my games a pet shop after dark and A TAVERN FOR TEA are on sale along with a bunch of other very wonderful story games so check the event out! 🔍🍵

a pet shop after dark



also in other news a board game i made the art for is on kickstarter next week!!! it's a short 8-day-only campaign so don't miss it!

it'll also be available for purchase right at game market in tokyo next week if you're in the area 👀

RooTile kickstarter!


i also made a jam game with some friends (🌙 moonlight jammers) for ludum dare! the theme was delivery & you're a cloud that delivers rain to make people happy ☔

i've never worked on a shooting (?) game before but it was a really fun time so i hope you enjoy 👀

Rain on Their Parade!

that was a lot of news at once (the kickstarter campaign date was news to me too because i haven't actually been privy to the scheduling conversations!) because i have been very busy but i'm hoping for a bit of a break soon.

that's all for now!

cheers, kc
