The Time Machine Theory, try it.

Nov 03, 2023 12:51 am

Good morning my dear readers,

What a match, India was just too good yesterday, I was at the stadium, I really feel this Indian team can win the World Cup.



Also, happy to say that your Negen PMS was +0.85% vs -2.86% for the benchmark BSE500 in the month of October.


Interesting story to start our Friday, from 2010.

So, back in 2010, someone bought 2 pizzas, which basically ended up costing the person an eye watering $600 million.

A person identifying as 'Laszlo' went on an online forum and said he will pay 10000 Bitcoin to anyone who sends him 2 pizzas.

(He even defined the kind of pizza and toppings he liked).

This was BEFORE Bitcoin went mainstream, it was still early days for this revolution.

At the peak of Bitcoin, which was $60000, those 10000BTC would be worth $600 million.

Basically, these were the costliest two pizzas, EVER.🫣.

**Old photos of the transaction below, just crazy, that this has been documented.



The Time Machine Theory.

This particular way of thinking has worked well for me in the past. And it has been very well acknowledged as a 'strong strategy' by many business greats like Jack MA (Alibaba) too.

What is this?

It is a well known fact that many different parts of our planets are different in terms of their 'progress' and 'prosperity'.

It is widely accepted that the US is about 2-3 decades ahead of India and that China is about 1-2 decades ahead of India.

(Well, approximately).


It is therefore important to study and keep tabs of the latest successful companies and business trends in these countries like US and China.

It is like a Time Machine, whatever is happening there now, is likely to happen in India over the next few years.

So, whether you are a business man, budding startup entrepreneur or an investor, it will pay well to keep tabs on the current affairs and historical business trends of these two countries (US & China).


Personally, I have studied the growth of Wealth Management & Asset Management in the US and China and that sowed the seed in my mind that the Indian Wealth & Asset Management story will have a similar trajectory over the next 10 years.

(Ofcourse, I put in a lot of effort and time on this thesis).

This kind of study will give you conviction to carry out your plans.


Hence, keep it a practice, keep reading about present and past business developments from the developed world and think if the same could happen in India over the next 10-15 years.

And if you do come to some conclusions on your own on this subject, it could change your mindset in a big way and give you lots of conviction & foresight, which is all that matters, eventually.

For example, just study the Petcare industry in the US & China and study which kind of companies got listed in this space in the US and what kind of market cap, wealth they created for investors.

(So when a Petcare company lists in India, you will have great clarity of thought on your plans).

Original thinking is all that matters, we cannot rely on broker reports to make money.


That is all from me today my friends.

You have a wonderful weekend, enjoy your coffee.

Any movie or show ideas for me?

My Best,

Neil Bahal


Negen Capital

*(Exhausted and red eye newsletter, kindly bear with me on spell checks and grammatical errors 🥲🫣).

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