UConn Hartford MSA Weekly Newsletter

Nov 28, 2022 12:01 pm

Assalamualaikum (Peace Be Upon You),

✋ Hope you’re having a great morning!

Welcome to the 11th issue of The MSA Times! We hope you all had a restful and fun break. As a welcome back to school, we are hosting a few events this week. Firstly, we have our Dawah 101 event with guest speaker, Dr. Reza Mansoor on Wednesday at 5:00 PM in HTB Zach’s Atrium. Please bring any friends you have that are interested in knowing more about Islam! Dinner will be served as well. Next, we have our general body meeting on Thursday at 2:30 PM. Lastly, we have a community Jumuah on Friday in the Hartford Public Library where students from other nearby MSAs will be joining us! We wish to see you and your friends at all of these events inshaAllah!

☪️ Simple Sunnah

Etiquettes of Drinking:

From Abu Saeed al Khudri from the Prophet ,

“ نهى عن الشرب من ثلمة القدح , و أن ينفخ في الشرا” That he forbade from drinking from the cracked and chipped part of the pot and that a person should not blow in the drink.

(Abu Dawood)

There are a few reasons for this prohibition including the fact that one may harm his/herself from the cracked or chipped part and that it is difficult to properly clean this part, so toxic microorganisms may live there, causing ailment. 

🤲 Weekly Jama'ah Times

  • Duhr: 12:00 PM
  • Asr: 2:15 PM
  • Maghrib: 4:30 PM

🔔 Upcoming Events & Announcements

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🌏 Muslim News from Around the World

On November 23rd, at 10:30pm, on Eighth Ave.-L train in New York City, a man slashed a Muslim woman’s face. The man, who is still on the loose, was enraged when the Muslim woman ignored his advances. The police have classified this as a hate crime. A 29 year old bystander attempted to come to the woman’s aid, but the attacker turned on him and slashed him in the head multiple times. The man and woman were taken to Bellevue Hospital. The unidentified man fled the station, leaving behind a bloody scene.


May Allah make you successful in your studies,

🕌The MSA Team at UConn Hartford

