Three kids in: This is still hard

Apr 08, 2022 9:53 pm


The duality of my third kid thoughts, three months in

Scroll for your parent-friendly news, events and opportunities ⬇️

Having a winter baby has been harder for me than having summer babies.

I think it's the routine we've got going, baby is pretty attached to me but I've also rested more this time around and healed well.

Having a baby during the pandemic in a place where I'm near my childhood home has been harder for me than when we lived overseas with our firstborn.

But the compassion has still been there from my care team, family, friends and complete strangers.

I think it's because I've been fairly extroverted with my first two babies, bringing them into business settings, this time around feels lonelier even now that we're entering spring and I have the internet, it is still much quieter than I'm used to.

It's odd because I also find I no longer have to explain what I've done or why I've done it. What this newsletter, the podcast, the other supporting resources are all for. People get it.

I used to feel as though I had to ease into the message or shout into a void.

Now, as I'm postpartum six years after my first baby, I remember why I started it all.

To look after my mental health. To connect with others. To do something stimulating alongside my baby with other adults that didn't involve tummy time. To feel as though this new version of me belonged with or without my kid.

Yet here I still am feeling like a first time parent as I try to figure out how to get him to nap in his crib (not happening), take a bottle (also not going well) and go in the stroller or car seat without screaming when I stop moving my body or the car. I know it will sort itself out in time but it doesn't make me feel any less anxious, tired or overwhelmed in the moment it is happening.

So there you have it, I think I know myself pretty well. I'm just trying to figure out this new little human we're living with. 🤷‍♀️

How has the start to this year been for you? Hit reply, tell me how you soothed your baby without pacing around your house or the neighbourhood...

Remote work with kids

I delivered my latest online workshop last week and I know from speaking with other parents over the past two years, I'm not alone in my loneliness (yet we are never truly alone so long as the kids are with us), or my search for solutions that make sense for us as we work from home.

I shared what's worked for me over the years before and after having kids and I also covered my freelance experiences with pitching for and winning remote work over the past eight years. I think I'll do a mini podcast episode about some of my experiments in Season 4...stay tuned.

Right now I'm moving my previous remote work email course and speaking content into a more interactive online course with monthly coworking in a collective creative container to work on defining or refining your pitch, setting your workflow up and delivering results, while getting paid and maintaining your energy.

I am all about following my intuition and the path of least resistance, so I'm going to integrate some of my woo practices in too! This will cover the framework I've followed, along with the processes and rituals I've practiced to do remote work (mostly joyfully) since 2014.

If you're interested in transitioning into offering (or refreshing your existing) remote services for clients or an employer and want to connect with others doing the same thing, I'll link to that in the next newsletter. In the meantime you can reply to this if you'd like more info!

Participate in Season 4 of the Mixing Babies And Business™ Podcast!

I would LOVE to include you in the next season of the podcast launching this summer. 

I'm looking for details about how you’ve been mixing babies and business over the years and any positive ways these resources have helped you. 

You can record here (under 60 seconds is best):

I can only use it if the audio is clear, so please use your phone headset or a quality computer USB mic.

🎙Deadline: April 30, 2022

Examples of what to say:

  • Your name, your business/work role
  • How you’re mixing babies and business
  • What you love about mixing babies and business
  • What you're excited about for the future of work
  • Any positive ways these resources (events, podcast, newsletter) have helped you and your family


Thank you for your help – I’m looking forward to sharing more about you and your work as part of Season 4!


If you'd like to explore my future of work resources (time blocking template, babies + business mini guide, remote work retreat course), you can find them all here:

I'd love to keep talking about flexible work over the coming year, if you know of any organizations seeking to provide fresh content around creative workflows or more inclusive business solutions for parents, please do get in touch with me by replying to this email or simply visit the website:

Ta for now, time to prepare for my next cosleeping shift,


– Amy Lynch (+ Family)

Founder, Event + Podcast Host

Mixing Babies And Business™

P.S. If you'd like to keep in touch with me and this community please:


No paid ads or sponsorship involved, just spreading the word and business goodness for you:

  • FUNDING: Canada has announced a $4B Digital Adoption Program for SMEs, with grants covering 90% up to $15K for a digital adoption plan - online info sessions are taking place throughout the month of April.

  • FUNDING: Apply to the Startup Global 2022 Pitch Competition before Monday, April 11, to access up to $75K for businesses with under $1M or no cash revenue, no pitch deck required.

  • FUNDING: Applications have opened for Pow Wow Pitch and their Indigenous Entrepreneurship Awards, apply to access up to $200K in prizes before June 21, 2022.

  • OPINION: As this article in The Guardian points out, just what the UK doesn't need...childcare costs have risen 3.5% over the past year.

  • OPINION: Canada's provinces and territories signed their $10 daily childcare agreement but the realities of space shortage and rising demand are outlined in this article from The Conversation.

  • STARTUP: Collision has launched their Women In Tech ticket offering a 90% discount for two tickets to their June 20-23, 2022 event in Toronto.

  • WELLNESS: Check out the Mixing Babies + Business Remote Work [Virtual] Retreat [available on demand] if you're seeking a simple and refreshing way to reassess your current work and life routines.


Crafted with 💜 and care in Canada

Sending you positive vibes and parenthood solidarity ✨

Copyright © 2016–2022 Amy Maureen Lynch, All rights reserved.

You are receiving this email as you have indicated your interest in Mixing Babies And Business™ / Babies, Business + Breakfast™ and/or registered via our online opt-in. We don't SPAM, do third party advertising or share your details. Only parenthood and professional development goodness to keep you motivated and informed!
