HOP ON + JOIN US 🌞 Summer Meetup Starts In 30 Minutes!

Aug 11, 2022 2:26 pm


😎🎉 Grab your snacks + jump online to join us in 30 minutes from your mobile or desktop device

Join Via Zoom

TODAY: Thursday, August 11th, 2022 

STARTING SOON: 11:00-11:30 AM ET (Toronto/New York)



Meeting ID: 844 3480 2274

Passcode: BYOBABY


Network with other parents interested in discussing entrepreneurship, flexible and remote work with kids.

My 7-month-old baby will be with me – please bring your kids and show up as you are. Looking forward to it!


10:50 a.m. â€“ Diaper changes, gather snacks and your kids

10:59 a.m. â€“ Login online via Zoom*

11:00 a.m. – Host welcome from me (Amy and my 7-month-old baby)

11:03 a.m. – Connection time + networking

11:15 a.m. – Remote work with kids discussion

11:25 a.m. – Mixing Babies And Business™ Podcast Season 4 Launch

11:30 a.m. â€“ Jump off for lunch + naptime


Privacy information:

This meetup will be recorded but participants will be muted and video off until Q&A time – if you wouldn't like to be recorded, please consider writing your name initials, keep your camera off and microphone muted.

– Amy Lynch (+ Family)

Founder, Event + Podcast Host

Mixing Babies And Businessâ„¢

Crafted with 💜 and care in Canada

Sending you positive vibes and parenthood solidarity ✨

Copyright © 2016–2022 Amy Maureen Lynch, All rights reserved.

You are receiving this email as you have indicated your interest in Mixing Babies And Businessâ„¢ / Babies, Business + Breakfastâ„¢ and/or registered via our online opt-in. We don't SPAM, do third party advertising or share your details. Only parenthood and professional development goodness to keep you motivated and informed!
