With an understanding of the Two Phases of health – stress and regeneration – META-Health helps us to tune into our natural rhythm of health and the cycles of nature. After the regeneration of winter, spring marks the beginning of the eu-stress (posi...

What happened at the 8th International META-Health Conference? A personal and professional journey… On 13th February, Robert Waghmare and Dr Kwesi from the META-Health Academy set off from Heathrow Airport for the 8th META-Health Conference, not know...

By Joanne Ross ‘How can I get rid of my symptoms? I want them to just go away’ When a client said this to me last week, I was not surprised; it was not the first time I’d heard this sentiment. Almost all of us will have felt like this when we’ve been...

By Miho Nonami META-Health Master Trainer Miho Nonami shares her journey from being a Medical Doctor through Spiritual Healing to META-Health My questions and frustration ‘What brings disease to people?’and ‘what is the cause of illness?’ These were...

At the end of a recent yoga class, our teacher told two stories during the relaxation session. The message of the first was to notice others, as everyone is important. The moral of the second was to transcend prejudice and act with kindness to others...

By Dr Kwesi Anan Odum How well do you know your romantic self? What is your unconscious love type? Why do you get frustrated in love? The Colours of Love sheds light on the hidden answers to these often vexing questions! The 3 most common relationshi...

The best cameras in the world are our eyes. Vision is our dominant sense. Our sight is more than just how clearly we see: vision is the process of deriving meaning from what is seen. It is a complex, learned and developed set of functions that involv...

Have you noticed that symptoms seem to worsen in the evening? Why do people get ill whenever they go on holiday? Why do we crave sugary foods when busy? The answers lie in the body’s innate intelligence and our natural cycles Balance or decline? Many...

By Gaetana (Tanny) Tonti This is a case study which comes from one of my life experiences; it is about my son and his snoring …This became a bit of an issue for me too as I could hear him, even though we were sleeping in separate rooms! I never belie...

Spring is the optimal time to get motivated, set goals and take action. From the Spring Equinox in mid-March, days become longer and warmer, nature reawakens and we emerge from our winter regeneration. In META-Health terms, it’s the beginning of the...