How to Be an Effective Leader From Self-Quarantine

As the world partially shuts down to address the Coronavirus pandemic, you may find yourself working remotely for the first time.How are you going to provide value and leadership to your teams during this disruptive period?I’m not going to talk to yo...

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Mar 23, 2020
Confidence, Competence, and Communication

There is a secret to leadership that goes beyond trust and integrity or building on influence and authenticity.People follow where others lead when they can convince us of their ability to successfully navigate in the direction we want to move.When s...

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Mar 07, 2020
Trust, Integrity, and Authenticity

The fundamental skills that growing leaders pursue are often not the right ones.When I encounter new leaders, or those looking to develop past their current challenges — and I hope that’s every one of us! — I often find that they are asking the wrong...

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Mar 07, 2020
You Lead From Core Values and Character

What do core values and character have to do with leadership?To explain that, I’m going to start by talking about dieting. Yes, dieting.Regardless of your relationship with food, or what living healthy means to you, we can hopefully agree on one thin...

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Mar 03, 2020
Leadership Starts With You

I have a clear, specific, and important goal for you. I intend to convince you that you are a leader.You may not realize it. Many of you have never considered yourself in that light. You may even be in vehement disagreement.“That’s not me. I don’t ma...

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Feb 24, 2020
Why Do I Write About Management & Leadership?

You may be wondering why I write about management, leadership, and the apparent connection I see between the two disciplines.Not everyone agrees that they are connected. Raise these topics in discussion often enough, and you will find someone that ve...

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Feb 18, 2020
Do you really understand active listening?

How often are you “listening” to someone talk when you realize they’ve just asked you, “Are you even listening to me?”My usual response is to pretend that I was listening and then try to sell that by piecing together the bits and pieces of what I thi...

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Feb 04, 2020
How Do Leadership Skills Promote Career Growth?

Photo Credit: Roman LacheevEveryone knows this… it’s obvious, isn’t it?The leaders around us are often those people for whom everything seems to come easily. Some have a natural charisma. Others, an effortless ability as a compelling orator. Many hav...

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Jan 28, 2020
How Do You Know You Are a True Leader?

If you are short on time and looking for something brief yet impactful, this article is for you.At Tribe Conference in 2019, I had the opportunity to hear several great speakers. Some I know personally, some I knew of by name or accomplishment, and s...

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Jan 21, 2020