Which is the Best Hypnosis Weight Loss Virtual Jab Course ?

Jun 17, 2023 11:48 am

Which is the Best Hypnosis Weight Loss Virtual Jab Course ?


Hey There

It seems that every man, woman and their dogs is jumping onto the

bandwagon of the World Wide Interest and Publicity that surrounds the

new Weight Loss Injections available for people to lose weight.

Steve Miller has trademarked HypnoJab and indeed I can confirm was

the first person to bring such an idea to the marketplace of our industry.

Shiela Granger is plugging her Virtual Weight Loss Jab approach





As to which is best ?

Well that of course is ultimately for you to decide..

However I can confidently state that

01) I have arguably taught more people around the world who are now

truly successful Mind Therapists including many Famous Media Names

than any other living Hypnosis trainer as illustrated at next link 

02) My Hypnosis Career Resume and Achievements are second to none

as also illustrated at http://www.magicalguru.co.uk/

03) All of my courses and the Professional Qualifications and Diplomas that

I issue to my students are all Approved, Endorsed & Accredited by:

*The United Kingdom Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy - (UKBCH)

*The Association of Professional Hypnotherapists & Psychotherapists (APHP)

*The Association of Complete Mind Therapists (ACMT)

and also among many others

*The International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM)

04) Almost nobody else out there has the kind of Positive "raving fans"

feedback that I have got for my past courses from students all around the

world as illustrated by the links on http://www.ultimatehypnosiscourse.com/

05) Nobody else is or can offer you such a Comprehensive package of back up Training & Business Building Tools, Templates & Resources as I am going to

give you when you make that intelligent decision to book on the 9th July 2023

Live online Zoom PRICKNOSIS - MIND JAB SOLUTION diploma course.

06) Nobody else is or can possibly offer you the level of back up training & resources that you will be supplied with in relation to your legal Duty of Care to Weight Loss (and other) clients, Health & Safety and all your other legal obligations as a Mind Therapy Practitioner.

Indeed it is shocking that vast majority of trainers do not teach such things and those that hardly even scrape the surface which in itself is a lacking in their duty of care to their students!

07) BEST VALUE = If you are already a Lifetime Member of my Elite Hypnosis Bootcamp the assuming you book today then you can secure your place for just £37 UK Sterling by sending £37 via www.paypal.com to my email of royle@magicalguru.com - HOWEVER if you are not a Bootcamp member you can still secure a bargain by booking today at the mega earlybird of just £77 UK Sterling which you will earn back with profit on top from your very first client using what will be taught. 

Simply Book Now - https://jonathanroyle.sellfy.store/p/pricknosis-needle-free-hypnotic-weight-loss-mind-jab-diploma-course/

So there you have it, in short I would argue that my PRICKNOSIS - MIND JAB SOLUTION is not only the most cutting edge (I'm known for not just thinking outside the box but ripping up the box and rebuilding it) but also by far the best value for money..

But Hurry as the mega earlybird price ends in just a few days time..

Oh and fear not if you cannot attend live at 7pm UK time on Sunday 9th July, the event is being recorded and you can still earn your diploma and license online after the event, but you would be wise to BOOK NOW as the full ticket price is £197 and that is what the recordings will cost after the event as well. 

Enjoy @everyone 


