C.U.R.E.D. = Diploma Course in Unconscious Communication

Mar 28, 2023 4:35 pm

C.U.R.E.D. = Diploma Course in Unconscious Communication 

Today only get 2 World Class Accredited Diploma Courses

Plus Bonus Diploma in Complete Mind Therapy (CMT)

in 1 Amazing Bumper package for less than $60




PS: BONUS = Also Included for @everyone within this Bumper Download Package is a PDf Ebook Copy of "Creative MindPower Techniques for Healing Yourself & Others" by the Late Dr. Frank Lea who was one of Royle's Hypnosis Students as well as a close personal friend for well over 20 years. This consitiutes a complete step by step course in Parts Therapy, Hypno-Analysis & Direct Communication with the Unconscious Mind (Ideo Motor techniques) as well as containing much great work on other Powerful Hypnotherapy Treatment Techniques. 

