Powerful Secrets of Mesmerism & Non Verbal Hypnosis

Sep 08, 2022 10:05 am

Powerful Secrets of Mesmerism & Non Verbal Hypnosis

Imagine being able to pull or knock somebody over without any 

prior preperation and without any formal Hypnotic Induction or

even needing to say anything to them about what is to happen..

Well watch this now - https://youtu.be/qS6IXwxTCV4 

I'd love to teach you exactly how to do that as well as tons of other

Amazing Stuff that other Hypnosis Trainers won't teach you because

they can't as they don't know how to do it themselves..

Usually the video set teaching these "Mesmerism" style techniques

along with "Esoteric Energy Hypnosis" methods costs $277

However today you get 90% off and pay just $27.70 here:


Amongst the numerous life changing techniques you will witness and

learn are:


The Secrets of The Ultimate Hand Shake INSTANT INDUCTION.


Witness Royle gently shake a persons hand and then let go of their hand

as the person falls to the floor like a sack of spuds and instantly enters a

Deep Somnambulistic Trance State!




Witness Royle perform "Psychic Surgery" and literally reach into his clients head, grab hold of their problem and then throw it away with the client confirming that they now feel oh so much better!

YES IT MAY SOUND LIKE SCIENCE FICTION but this really happened and you will learn how on these videos

Discover how Royle uses techniques of "Spiritual Healing" to help his clients and even to be a more powerful Stage Hypnotist.

You'll witness several miraculous looking demonstrations which prove these unique techniques work and of course will learn everything you'll ever need to know to start using them yourself

Witness Rapid Regression being used on a volunteer in order to help them change their life with ease.



Plus you will learn tons of other stuff as detailed at the link above..

This 90% off deal ends at midnight so NOW is the time to grab

your copy..




PS: Remember you will learn this https://youtu.be/qS6IXwxTCV4

a great demonstration for Public Talks that can attract you more

clients for your therapy business.

