The Naked Pendulum Protocol = Subconscious Wave Analytical Negation

Aug 31, 2022 9:50 am


The Naked Pendulum Protocol = Subconscious Wave Analytical Negation 

If you've ever heard of "The Swan" Protocol by Bob Burns then you need to

grab this package to learn the REAL TRUTH including the many things Bob

Burns does not teach his students about it including what it really is and how

it really truly works..

Indeed In this package I'll teach you step by step on video how to enhance

"The Swan" so that it works More effectively and More often than it ever would

or likely ever could the way that Bob Burns teaches it to people.  

And if you've never encountered what should really be called "The Naked

Pendulum" then you need to grab this package even more rapidly.

You see Bob Burns says that his "Swan" is NOT Hypnosis and yet as I've told

him on many occasions SWAN stands for: Subconscious Wave Analytical Negation

In otherwords its just a method of (with eyes open or closed) bypassing

the Critical Faculty or Analytical Area of the brain and thus getting direct

communication with the Unconscious or Subconscious Mind aka so called


In any event until Midnight you get 80% off and as such for less than $36

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This is one of the most flexible, adaptable and highly powerful Mind Therapy Treatment tools that you could ever add to your tool kit so grab yours today before this Limited Time opportunity ends for good.



