Be Careful, Little Mouth, What You Say: a glimpse of chapter two

Jun 17, 2023 11:19 pm

Have you ever had a thought, a wish, or a prayer and exactly what you thought, wished, or prayed came to you? 

After my experience of The American Nightmare, I thought:

"Maybe I need to be with someone older, someone who has a nine-to-five kind of job. Someone who is nice...."

My divorce had only been finalized a few months prior.

So was I healed?

Absolutely not!

But I maintained that goal to be a wife. I was gonna be a good wife to somebody, and here was my angel, everything I wanted!

This had to be God!

I was gonna listen to everybody, and I was gonna ensure I did not make the same mistake I did with the last marriage.

But I forgot to listen to the three most important people...

My daughters.

Which leads us into chapter two, Be Careful, Little Mouth, What You Say, where I unfold how I rushed into a marriage that hurt my oldest daughter...

For the details, you can read the whole chapter here!

And when you're done, or even if you have thoughts now, reply to this email or comment on the public page
